Does being serious mean that you're forever bound by rules?
Should I be just what I am?
Should I pretend to be dumb?
Should I believe in the future?
Should I chase my dreams?
I can’t help it; I’m bound by chains of rules,
But yes, I can run away.
My soul can dive in to the ocean of knowledge,
My soul can explore the universe.
But I can’t do it myself,
I can’t, I’m bound, remember?
So I’d just sit and do what the world tells me for now,
But I’m sure that I’ll fulfill my dreams sooner,
And when time comes, I’d be called a star,
A star worth the heights of unknown knowledge and name,
But for now, I just sit mocking time,
Dreaming of the avid future,
Remembering the past.
Though I can’t change the fact that I’m a ‘perpetual dreamer nobody,’
And I shall always remain this way.
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This poem is Copyright © 2014 by Ayushi Mehrotra. It cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this poem. No other rights are granted.
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