Black Belt JoeBy BlindEaglePart 6blindeagle@codeysworld.comCopyright © 2009-2011 by BlindEagle. All rights reserved. |
Razor stared out of the bus window as the long, boring ride along highway I-95 continued. He wasn’t paying attention to anything. Instead he was thinking about what he was going to do when he arrived at his destination. He didn’t even notice when the bus crossed the state line into Florida. He was finally brought back to his surroundings when the teen whose seat was a few rows ahead of him got up and walked towards the small restroom at the rear. Razor stared at him, then looked at him from head to toe. He kept his eyes locked on the kid like a wolf on its prey, like some sort of freak, then smirked in the kid’s direction.
The teen noticed the look that Razor was giving him. It sent cold chills down his spine. He was convinced that this guy was a freak, and was dangerous. He entered the restroom and quickly locked the door behind him.
Mrs. and Mr. Jackson were the kind of people that any teen would get along with. They were in their early sixties, Mr. Jackson was a retired Juvenile Court judge and Mrs. Jackson was a retired middle school teacher. They had raised their own four children, and had eight grandchildren and six godchildren.
Both loved what they were now doing. They took in children on an emergency basis for CPS until permanent foster homes could be found for them. They made sure these children that graced their home were entertained. They had Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii game systems, and in their basement a host of tabletop games including pool and bumper pool tables, ping pong tables and table hockey.
The previous day had been both physically and emotionally straining on Keith. He made sure to keep his focus on what he and Joe and Joe’s parents had discussed the night before. After spending his first night with the Jacksons, it seemed that everything was going okay so far. When he entered the Jacksons home for the first time, Keith had been greeted as if he had been living there all along. After having a brief meeting with the Jacksons, Mrs. Hinkle said goodbye to Keith and thanked the Jacksons for taking Keith on such short notice. She promised Keith that he would receive a call from her in a few days.
Mrs. Jackson wasted no time and took Keith on a tour of the house. Keith saw and felt the joy and love pouring out of Mrs. Jackson, and this brought a smile to his face. She told Keith to call her Wilma and took him on a tour of the second floor. She showed him each of the bedrooms, and told him who occupied them.
They walked down the long hallway and Wilma showed Keith an enormous bathroom with two individual shower stalls, a garden tub, a triple sink counter with the entire back wall made of a huge mirror, a separate toilet area, and a Bose sound system. They moved on and Wilma showed Keith the bedroom used by her and her husband.
Finally, she showed Keith his bedroom, located at the end of the hall. They entered the room and Keith was grinned when he saw the huge King size bed, and a comforter with a print of a State University football team helmet dominating the center. There was a throw rug with the same design as the comforter directly in front of the bed. There were night stands on both sides of the huge bed, with lamps made to look like footballs. The lamps were topped by shades printed over all with miniature footballs. There was a large bookcase with football trophies, several signed footballs, and pictures of individual football players and of State U games. In the far left corner of the room was the entrance to a private bathroom with a large walk in shower, a Jacuzzi tub on a raised platform, and a sink in the shape of a football in the center of a counter designed like a miniature football field. There were small field goals on one end which doubled as a tooth brush and cup holder and a football shaped soap dish holder on the other.
They returned to the bedroom. Keith knew that he had never seen a bedroom and bathroom designed anything like this. He wasn’t sure what he thought about it, other than it was amazing.
Wilma watched Keith, and how what he was seeing left him with a surprised and delighted expression. She smiled.
”So… do you approve of the design I selected?”
“Umm... ah… yes! Mrs. Jackson... uh… Wilma… your place is awesome! But... uh… umm… may I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can Keith.”
Keith took another look around the bedroom and turned back to Wilma. He felt shy about asking the question that was on his mind, but he went ahead.
“This is the room that you said would be mine. Did it belong to one of your sons?”
Wilma looked into Keith’s eyes.
“I see that you are very observant of your surroundings Keith.” She studied him for a few seconds, and continued. “Yes, this room belonged to my youngest son, Tim. As you noticed, he was a member of the State University football team and was one of its biggest fans.”
Keith figured that something tragic must have happened when Wilma said that her son played on his college team. His voice was quiet when he asked her, “Was Tim in some sort of accident? Or, does he still play?”
He saw her sad expression, and braced himself to hear the kind of bad news which was all he seemed to be hearing these past few days.
Wilma took a deep breath, and told Keith about Tim.
“During Tim’s junior year in college he met Greg. Greg was a community college transfer student from Texas who came to State to play football. They became great friends and roommates. State managed to pull off a win at the last minute of their last game. Tim threw a touchdown pass to Greg for the win, a win that sent the team to a bowl game. After the game apparently most of the team members were drinking way too much. We received a call at two in the morning that they left the party together. Greg was driving and hit another car head on. They were both drunk. Greg was killed instantly and Tim suffered a crushed skull and severe brain damage. A few weeks after the accident, Tim passed away.”
Keith was touched by Wilma’s sad story about what happened to Tim. He watched as she looked away, her mind apparently adrift. After a minute she turned and looked at Keith with a smile that found its way through her solemn expression.
“How about some lunch? I’ll fix you a nice old fashioned hamburger with all the trimmings. How’s that sound?”
Keith smiled his agreement. “That sounds really good.” With that, Wilma led him to the kitchen.
Back at the Silvers’ home, Joe was awakened by the alarm on his computer. Beethoven’s Symphony Number Nine played out from across the room, but it didn’t put him in as good a mood as it normally did. He pulled the covers over his head. All he wanted was to fade away. He felt as if he had lost his best friend.
Joe remembered what he and Keith talked about when Keith came to his room just the day before, how they agreed that it would all work out. Now the tables were turned, and Joe did not want to accept that truth. Reluctantly, he pulled the covers from his head and climbed out of bed. He walked across the room and jammed his finger on the escape key to cut off the music.
Wendy knocked on Joe’s door. Paul had told her about Joe’s crushed feelings, so she came to check on him, and he opened the door.
“Oh. Morning, Mom.”
“I wanted to remind you of the time, and that breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes.”
“I’ll take a shower and be right down.”
Keith sat down at the breakfast table. He hadn’t expected to have the spread of food that he saw in front of him. He looked at Tom, which is what Mr. Jackson told Keith to call him.
“Good morning Mr. Jackson.”
“Good morning to you too, Keith, I don’t mind if you call me Tom; I want you to be comfortable with knowing that you are perfectly safe here and we expect you to treat this home as if it were yours.”
Smiling at Keith as she entered, Wilma said, “I see that you are an early riser. Was I correct thinking that I heard you up this morning at the crack of dawn?”
“Uhh, yes,” Keith said with a surprised look on his face, “I get up every morning to exercise and to…” remembering not to let out any knowledge of his martial arts skills and practice Keith continued, “I always exercise in the mornings.”
Tom was impressed by the discipline Keith was already displaying by not having to be wakened, his commitment to a daily exercise program, and finding his way down to the breakfast table all on his own.
“Well young man,” Tom said while chuckling, “then you should be able to put a huge dent in this breakfast spread my wife prepared. She doesn’t know how to fix normal sized meals around here. That’s due to all the grand kids we have over. You’ll get a chance to meet them if you’re here long enough. But enough of that for now.”
At the rear of a small diner across the street from his motel, Razor sat in thought. He reviewed the plan that he and Jack had laid out. Being paranoid out of habit, he didn’t want any evidence of the plan to be found written down. Everything had to be memorized.
He was startled by the waitress who asked him if he wanted a refill on the coffee. Razor started to reach under his thigh where he always kept a weapon of some kind, but when he looked up he noticed the cute young waitress.
“Hey there,” he said, now staring into her eyes. He glanced at the name tag on her shirt and continued, “I’d love another cup of your sweet hot coffee.”
The waitress recognized that this guy was a creep if she’d ever saw one. She just politely smiled as she refilled his cup.
“So, ahhh, Bethany, is it? I’m kind of new in town and I’m having the hardest time figuring out the area. I’m staying right across the street at the Blue Star Inn and was wondering if you’d be available after your shift is over to come over and help me find my way around.”
Not wanting to waste any more time at his table, she replied, “I’m working a double shift. Besides, I’m not available, as you put it, to help you find your way around anywhere. But I’ll be glad to ask Oscar. He’s the cook right over there. I’m sure he’d love to help you out.”
Razor looked where the waitress pointed. He saw a man serving up plates through the kitchen window who had to be at least 6 foot 7 and weighed at least 350 pounds with muscles bulging from everywhere and piercings on both ears.
Razor turned revealing a quick expression of shock. He saw the waitress turning away with a smerky look of her own. His face glowed red with the bitter look of a Razor who was now very pissed off.
After finishing up with breakfast Keith helped Wilma clear off the table.
“Keith, we learned that you’re going to be going to Fairview High School. I understand that’s the same high school you attended when you were living at the Chase’s. Is that correct?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Fairview, the school where all the mess he was in got started. So his fight with the jocks would still have to be dealt with. The same bunch of jocks responsible for starting the fight in the first place. But now with the changes that had taken place over the weekend he wasn’t sure what the outcome would be.
While he and Wilma put the dishes into the dishwasher, Mrs. Hinkle phoned and Tom took the call. Keith heard Tom on the phone with Mrs. Hinkle, and noticed the glances he was getting from him. Anxiety started consuming the calm state he’d had this morning during breakfast, and his heart began beating faster.
When the call was over, Tom told Keith and Wilma what he’d learned from Mrs. Hinkle.
“She called to check on you, Keith. She told me that she would be here in about an hour to discuss your meeting with the Fairview High principal. She indicated that meeting would now have to be altered due to the change in Keith’s situation with the Chases.”
Tom went to his office off the Den, and Wilma saw Keith’s increasingly concerned expression.
“Keith, I want to make sure that no matter what happens with you or what becomes of your placement, Tom and I would love to have you consider our home your home.”
Keith couldn’t believe the rapid pace of events and changes that was happening to him. He decided to tell Wilma that part of his concern was over.
“I’m glad to be here, Wilma. Mrs. Hinkle has been very good to me, getting me out of that crazy lady’s house, out of the clutches of the Chases.”
Wilma placed her hand on Keith’s shoulder. “I want to reassure you that you’re safe here.”
“Thanks, Wilma.” Keith took a deep breath. “Since Mrs. Hinkle will be here in about an hour, I think I’ll go upstairs to my room and relax until then.”
Joe was not his usual self this morning, no smiles or hugs as he entered the breakfast nook. Knowing their son was going through a disappointing time in his young life, his parents were closely watching for signs of depression. Taking his seat at the table, Joe finally mumbling out “Morning” to his parents, said that he wasn’t hungry and only wanted a glass of OJ for breakfast.
Wendy started to say something to Joe about his unusually quiet mood. Before she could, Paul placed his hand on top of hers.
“Son, we know that you’re upset about Keith and everything that’s happened to him. Don’t forget what we promised him. We want to see that Keith is not only happy and get past this very difficult time in his life, but that in time he can began rebuilding his life with people who love him and want what’s best for him.”
Joe thought about what his dad was saying, and remembered the promise he and his parents made to Keith. That sparked a tiny chance of hope as he wiped away the tears that was running down his chubby face.
Keith was up in his room meditating; it was what Master Soo taught his students to do before practice and before a sparring match. Thinking about what would soon be facing him when he return to school, Keith remembered Master Soo saying “Unison of mind and spirit makes focus strong and opponent weak… focus… focus… focus.” The word repeated itself over and over in his head.
Mrs. Hinkle arrived at the Jacksons. As she made her way to the front door, Wilma asked Tom to go up and tell Keith and ask him to come down.
She opened the door and greeted Mrs. Hinkle.
“Good morning Carol, thank you for coming.”
“Good morning Wilma.”
As they entered the sitting room Wilma asked, “Can I get you a cup of coffee?”
“Yes you sure can. I had an early start this morning with a stop at Fairview High then a meeting about another case, and didn’t have time to grab a cup before leaving the house.”
Wilma and Carol had known each other for years; they crossed paths many times with child placements, along with being members of the same church.
While Wilma prepared a cup of coffee for Carol, Tom went upstairs to let Keith know that Mrs. Hinkle had arrived. Keith was in deep meditation. Tom knocked on his bedroom door then opened it. He saw Keith sitting on the floor with his legs tucked under him, staring out towards the wide window which was open.
“Keith, are you okay?”
That instantly brought Keith out of his deep meditation, and he quickly jumped to his feet. To Tom it looked like a lightning bolt had struck Keith, and he stared in amazement at the quickness by which Keith had jumped up from a sitting position with his legs fully tucked under his body to a full standing position.
“What were you doing, Keith? I never saw someone do what you just did. How were you able to do that?”
Keith seemed unable to answer Tom, and just stood staring at him like he was a deer caught in a car’s headlights. Tom saw the startled look in Keith eyes and smiled, then gently rephrased his question.
“You weren’t kidding when you said that you exercise every morning. If I could only move these old bones half as fast as you just did, then maybe the wife would stop telling me that I’m too old to be wrestling with the grandkids. Anyway, I came up to tell you that Mrs. Hinkle is downstairs and it’s time for your meeting.”
“Is it okay if I take a few minutes to use the bathroom first?”
“Sure, just come on down when you’re done.”
With his stomach racing in circles from almost exposing his secret to Tom, along with knowing that he had to now deal with the school situation, Keith really did need to use the bathroom.
At Wesley Enterprises in Upstate New York, the newly appointed CEO of Wesley Advertising reviewed the report from his private investigator. An inquisitive look appeared on his face as he stared in amazement at what had been discovered. Talking to himself he thought, ‘I don’t believe it, I just can’t believe it!’
Keith entered the sitting room, and Mrs. Hinkle welcomed him with a warm smile. Keith sat in the single arm chair across from Wilma who shared the sofa with Mrs. Hinkle.
“Good morning Keith, I hope that your weekend with the Jacksons was to your liking?”
“Yes ma’am, it was. Everything’s good.”
Mrs. Hinkle smiled. “Glad to hear that, Keith. From what I heard from Mrs. Jackson you seem to be happy with your new placement. I’m here this morning to have a discussion with you and the Jacksons about your school arrangements and the changes that were made regarding the incident on last Friday.”
The ‘incident’ could only be about the fight. Keith felt as if a small flame was ignited in his mind, and he tightened his right hand into a fist. That didn’t go unnoticed by Tom who was sitting on the left side of Keith.
Mrs. Hinkle continued. “I met with the principal of Fairview High School. I didn’t disclose any personal information about you , but I did however mention that I spoke with the cafeteria manager as well with Joe over the weekend. I told him that I have witnesses who saw a group of boys teaming up to attack you. Especially valuable was what Joe told me that he saw from his bedroom window that overlooks where the fight took place.”
Keith was surprised that Mrs. Hinkle had looked so thoroughly into what happened on Friday, and that she had spoken to the cafeteria manager already this morning. Even more important to Keith was what she said about Joe and what he saw. That brought a frown to his face realizing that Joe must have kept that information to himself. It meant that there was more to it then what he shared with his parents the night the Chases came to the Silvers’ house.
Quickly changing his thoughts so the disappointment he felt about Joe wouldn’t show, Keith turned his attention back to Mrs. Hinkle as she continued what she was sharing.
“After a brief meeting with him, he decided that since you were a new student and that a few of the boys mentioned by the lunch room manager are known trouble makers, he dismissed the suspension he was going to give you. In its place you’ll have detention for three days. The boy who reported that you started the fight with him at school and carried it two blocks away from the school wasn’t hurt too badly. His parents are not going to press charges; however, they agreed with the principle that you be given detention and make a face to face apology to him in the principal’s office before returning to class.”
Upon hearing these consequences, Keith who was normally calm and collected, went off in a rage.
“What! Why do I have to apologize for something I didn’t start? They are all lying about me. I swear Mrs. Hinkle, I didn’t start that fight!”
Tom, surprised to see Keith respond that way, figured he was reaching his tolerance limit. He said, “Keith… Keith! Look at me… look at me, Keith.”
Keith usually didn’t explode like that. After hearing Tom, he knew he had stepped over the line. Focusing on calming down, Keith was ashamed about how he was acting; with his head looking down, he quietly answered Tom, “I’m sorry Tom.” Looking at Wilma and Mrs. Hinkle he apologized again.
Tom looked at Keith until Keith looked back at him. “I know it sounds unfair, but Mrs. Hinkle did the best she could do under the circumstances. It could have been worse, you know. So for now everything seems to be calm. I want to reiterate to you that no matter how bad other kids act in school, there are teachers and school staff in place to handle what happens there.”
Mrs. Hinkle wasn’t sure how much more Keith could handle; however, she had one more piece of information to tell him.
“Keith? There’s one more thing. Since the coach didn’t see what happened on the track, he went along with the principal’s decision based on the fact that you are a new student. However, he will be keeping an eye on any unfair treatment from all students, and that includes you, during PE. There will be severe consequences for any disruptive behavior. You can take it easy for the rest of today, but you have school tomorrow.”
Looking at the Jacksons she said, “Tom, either you or Wilma will need to sign him in and fill out the usual information needed at the school office.”
Tom looked at Keith. “Is there anything that you want to share or ask any questions regarding the school and what Mrs. Hinkle shared with you?”
Looking at Tom, then at Wilma, and finally at Mrs. Hinkle with a serious, but grateful expression, Keith told her, “I want to thank you, Mrs. Hinkle, for all you did for me at school and for getting me out of the Chase’s house. Turning to face Tom and Wilma who were now standing in front of him, Keith added, “The Jacksons have been very nice to me and I feel safe here. Thank you both, Wilma and Tom.”
Keith looked at Mrs. Hinkle. “I really didn’t start that fight at school on Friday, not the one on the track at school and not the one that wasn’t on the school grounds. I’m not looking to start any trouble for anyone, but for some reason trouble always seem to be following me ever since....”
With his head now facing down, instead of the tears that usually flowed when he’d have that overwhelming feeling of the loss of his family, Keith just stared at the floor and didn’t say another word.
Tom stepped up to Keith and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I know so much has happened to you, more than any teen should endure. From what I’ve observed since you’ve been here is a kind hearted young man trying his best to deal with many issues, issues even most adults would have a difficult time dealing with.”
Reaching down and taking Keith’s hands, he pulled him into his arms in a firm hug as Keith flooded his shirt with tears. Wilma and Mrs. Hinkle stood nearby contributing their support in comforting Keith.
After a few minutes, Tom sensed that Keith had calmed down. He suggested that they go down to the game room and play a game of pool. He hoped that would help change the mood Keith was in.
As Tom and Keith left for the game room, Wilma and Mrs. Hinkle discussed what just happened.
“That poor boy has been through so much, Carol.”
“Yes, he has. I’ve seen kids bounce back from a lot of very stressful situations, and I feel Keith is one of those kids. With the right kind of support, I can be sure of it.”
“Well I pray that’s true Carol… I pray that’s true.”
Wilma walked Carol to the door and wished her a good day. She returned to the kitchen and made a list of the things Keith would need now that he was being staying with her and Tom. That included personal hygiene supplies and any clothes that might need replacing. Taking him on a shopping trip to Walmart after lunch might just help clear his mind. Having a diversion so he wouldn’t dwell on the things Mrs. Hinkle told him and going shopping should cheer him up.
Kim was up early preparing herself not only for work at the clerk of the County Court, but she was also talking on her cell to Razor.
Jack still lay in bed reminiscing about the phone conversation he’d had the night before. He’d arranged to set up a meeting with a old Army buddy who had been in his platoon.
‘I already have Razor in place and he’s been in constant contact with us since…. Yes I’m sure, Kim and I have been through this with a fine tooth comb, it will work don’t worry about it…. Don’t worry about Razor, I know he get’s overly excited and sometimes over reacts, but if you remember it was his sharp eye that saved our butts the night we went AWOL to do a pickup by taking out that MP…. Like I said, don’t worry about it, why do you think I’m calling you?.... Yeah…. I thought you’d see it my way. If anyone can keep his rage in check it’s you Rooster! I’ll fill you in later when its time.’
Closing out his thoughts and getting out of bed, Jack went downstairs to fix his normal morning breakfast beverage, rum and coke, as he waited for his wife to end her call with Razor.
Taking Keith shopping at Walmart showed Wilma that her idea to take him shopping seemed to work. Keith was told to get what he needed, including any hygiene items he was in need of. He spent a little time in the electronics department, and then ended up in the book section. He was going through them when Wilma approached him.
“I didn’t know you were an avid book reader,” she said smiling at him. That’s a very good book on Taekwondo, Keith.”
He couldn’t believe what he just heard Wilma say. He looked at her in amazement, and replied, “I’m surprised you like martial arts.”
“Oh, there are a lot of things about me that I’m sure would surprise you. I also happen to like swing dancing, sailing, parachuting jumping, and riding my motorcycle.”
Keith grinned. He was really surprised to hear all the things Wilma just told him.
Wilma continued, “You didn’t think I was just an old retired school teacher did you?”
“Of course not,” Keith replied, “it never even entered my mind.” He couldn’t hide his grin which had become even wider.
“I’m sure it didn’t young man, I’m sure it didn’t.”
Glancing at the books Keith had selected, Wilma asked, “Are you interested in getting any of those books?”
Keith, knowing that Wilma would expect him to say yes, replied, “It’s okay, I was just looking through the books and just picked these to look at the pictures.”
Patting Keith on his back, she asked, “Do you have everything you need?”
“Yes ma’am, I do.”
After going through the long checkout line, Wilma grinned.
“Are you hungry?”
Upon hearing the word ‘hungry’ the growling of his stomach confirmed Keith’s answer and Wilma laughed at the embarrassing expression on Keith now very red face.
“How does Pizza World sound to you? We can get any kind you like.”
“Um… I like pepperoni and extra cheese.”
“Well then, pepperoni with extra cheese it is. I’ll get two since Tom’s favorite is pepperoni and cheese as well!”