When you're 13 years old being embarrassed is just about the worst thing that can happen to you...
I heard Liz laughing, and turned to see her standing at the door of my bedroom. She could barely speak, and I couldn’t understand a word she was saying. She kept pointing into the hall and waving for me to follow her.
We went downstairs to the kitchen where my son Chris was standing, his eyes brimming with tears, my large mixing spoon stuck in his mouth. I’d made spaghetti, and he apparently decided to lick the sauce off the spoon. Then wasn’t able to extricate the spoon from his mouth. It’s a very large spoon. I valiantly kept myself from laughing, but Liz didn’t restrain herself. Sisters can be very mean sometimes.
The trip to the emergency room was short; we live two miles from the hospital. They excised the spoon without much effort, and Chris wasn’t badly damaged.
For a 13-year-old the worst thing that can happen to you is to be embarrassed. One of his friends was also in emergency with a bad cut. He saw Chris. With the spoon. In his mouth. And he laughed. Poor Chris is going to be even more embarrassed after his friend tells this tale to everyone at school on Monday.
This story and the included images are Copyright © 2008-2010 by Colin Kelly (colinian). They cannot be reproduced
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Codey’s World web site has written
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