- Darkness fell, the sun had set,
- When suddenly a panic hit.
- A paper due early next day,
- A paper worth three-fourths a grade.
- Ten pages on Dyslexia.
- APA formatted? Yeah.
- Bolting up to grab my shoes,
- I cursed the course instructor, whose
- Syllabus was quite unclear:
- The dates were from another year.
- ‘Twas two a.m., I still had time
- Drove quickly to the five-and-dime
- To buy some liquid inspiration
- Of the caffeine-filled persuasion
- But cruelest world, oh fate assured,
- Just a buck, this kid is poor.
- Then her voice, like angel's choir
- Graced my ears and soothed my ire
- “We sell Red Bulls on the cheap
- To those who show college ID.”
- I kneeled down and praised the lord
- Of college-town convenience stores
- And within minutes, head ablaze
- Was racing back to type away
- Wrote and quoted, fingers lurched
- Hours spent in throes of research
- Morning came with roommates, holding
- Plastic cups of Corn Flakes, scolding
- “Dude, it's early, you don't look dead,
- Don't you know that meth is bad?”
- “Hah!” I laughed, my mind still keen,
- “No meth here, just sweet Taurine!
- What it is, I couldn't say,
- But that's what's kept me up all day.”
- I was done, my paper finished
- But my pride, it soon diminished
- I looked down, my printer broken,
- No more ink, the fates had spoken
- Transferring to a flash drive
- I grabbed my stuff and ran outside.
- The sunlight came like a boot to the eyes
- But I was late, I hadn't time
- A forty minute drive to school
- And add to that, no parking, too.
- Printed off in record time -
- No one's in the lab by nine -
- Stumbled into class, prepared…
- Greeting only empty chairs.
- Checked the calendar, dismayed –
- "Instructor's out of town today,
- Next week classes will resume."
- Tilted head back, cursed the room.
- So much trouble, so much fuss,
- Thanks a lot, old syllabus.