Hold Fast to the Grass, Child;
The Earth Always Spins
Hold Fast to the Grass, Child;
The Earth Always Spins
Civility C and the Talentless Three
Holy Hell, We Suck!
2.62 MB
With three days gained and a new pair of shoes
Started moving for a reason to find a reason to move
To find a place, a thing, a person, job, jail, self-respect
With a map of sympathetic squats and songs to speed the steps
Thought I'd leave no trail to follow, let no one find my clues
As I crossed the country whistling songs
and writing ramblin' blues
Met a man stopped on I-seven-five, his tires had run flat
Said his name was not important and nor was mine, at that
Said “It's plain dangerous to just be walking around,
We need aluminum armor, we need tires on the ground,
We need cylinders, brakes and fossil fuels.”
A man stopped on I-seven-five
taught me the ramblin' blues
Went to sleep when it turned dark, lay hidden in the dirt
Woke up before the sun arose, a spider on my shirt.
I said “Excuse me, sir, could you move your legs?”
He said “I stayed too long here, anyway.
But thanks for not just slapping me off, like most people do to you
When you're an arachnid on the road,
spinning out the ramblin' blues.”
Found a freight train headed out so I shrugged and climbed inside
Found out I wasn't first young man to try to hitch this ride
Found a dozen more all sitting around talking
Making plans, taking breaks from walking
One held a switchblade, one a gun, so I guess I had to choose
Do I try to fight, try to run,
or do I tell ‘em my ramblin' blues?
As things turned out, they were ramblin', too
And always glad to add another man to their crew
They were cruisin' around, singing “We Shall Not Be Moved”
Because when it came to protest, it was a simple tune
And the suits with the guns didn't seem to mind, and they seemed to tip well, too
Dropping quarters into hats and shaking their heads
at their rendition of the ramblin' blues.
Took my leave to head on out, feet kicking on the road again
When I met a serpent on the sidewalk with a lisp a shifty grin
He said, “Don't tense up, kid, I'm not looking to fight.”
And as I lowered my guard, he took a bite
So as he crept away I felt a sting creeping from my shoes
The venom burning in my legs
to end my ramblin' blues.
Well, I was numb from the hips on down,
It was looking like I wouldn't get back to town
So I stepped out to the road and raised my thumb up to the sky.
And who should stop but the man I'd met stranded on I-seven-five.
He said “What'd I tell you, son, you're a fool.
Now hop in back and close your eyes
try to dream up some ramblin' blues.”
The Nurse said that logically I should've been dead
That I was lucky that the venom didn't reach my head
And asked me where I wanted to go.
I shook my head and raised my hands, in a gesture said “I don't know.”
“How about some place,” She said, “where the snakes can't get to you?”
And that sounded nice, to get back home
and close my ramblin' blues.
When I got home and told the family about
All the people I'd met, all the things I'd found out,
Grandma looked around and said “What'd I say?
I knew the kid'd find out on his own some day,
That the Earth spins, child, and the soil is loose
So hold fast to the grass with both of your hands
or you'll feel those ramblin' blues.”