Hollow Bones, Better Fit for Flying

By EleCivil

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Title: audio Hollow Bones, Better Fit For Flying
Author: EleCivil Narrator: EleCivil
Artist: Civility C and the Talentless Three
Disc: Holy Hell, We Suck! Track: 01
Kind: Poem Type: MP3 Time: 00:01:22 Size: 1.25 MB
  1. He lets his guard down with his eyelids
  2. Panting his passions into a pillowcase
  3. Painting salt-streaked skylines with his eyes
  4. Across what used to be a plain striped pattern
  5. His dreams are confusing, contradictory
  6. Hollow bones, better fit for flying
  7. But unable to stand up to the slightest pressure,
  8. And pressure is all he has right now.
  9. Calmer hearts, better built for lasting
  10. But unable to allow the smallest twitch,
  11. And twitching is exactly what he wants tonight.
  12. An empty head, better led to resting
  13. But unable to use when conscious
  14. And come sunrise, his consciousness insists on calling.
  16. Hollow bones, better fit for flying
  17. Are on his mind the next morning
  18. When he steps outside and passes a man
  19. Leaning against the side of his building
  20. Pounding rusted rhythms against his palm
  21. With a length of pipe and whistling
  23. Whistling “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”
  25. And today, he decides not to stop and wonder
  26. Who he’s waiting for, or what he’ll do to them
  27. And decides, instead, to walk away whistling
  28. Carrying the stranger’s song on his breath
  29. And spreading him across the city
  30. To more people, more chances.
  31. Maybe some of them will be on their way out
  32. And carry a bit of that man’s spirit with them
  33. And his own, as well, as he whistles faster,
  34. So that maybe, just maybe,
  35. A little piece of every one of them can escape
  36. Loosed from a stranger’s lips and let levitate
  37. This low-swinging chariot
  38. Through crowded heads, better made for matching
  39. Those heavy hearts, better built for understanding
  40. Its hollow tones, better fit for falling
  41. Yet rising up, better still, resounding.