
by Merkin


Love has its own arithmetic
where one plus one is always greater,
though sometimes, sadly, we shape
its geometry from triangles.

Love also has a grammar, with
the second person favored first,
and 'thou' replaces 'I' and 'me'
in thoughts and declarations.

Love's language is often learned unspoken:
meanings transmitted by tilt of head
or accomplished through the eyes,
whose glance can fill a dictionary.

Love's history lectures may be unique
and its future lesson plan a mystery,
but both yield to the present moment,
where Love's study is our social science.

Love's geography is our favorite subject,
even though that homework is never finished.


This poem is Copyright © 2008 by Merkin. It cannot be reproduced without express written consent.
Codey’s World web site has written permission to publish this poem. No other rights are granted.