
by Merkin


Maybe I bag your groceries
Maybe I clean your pool
Maybe I trim your hedges
But I'm no fool

Maybe I lack the fashion
Maybe I've torn my jeans
Maybe I need a haircut
But I've got dreams

Maybe we're not on welfare
Mom and sis and bro
Maybe my daddy's long gone
Maybe you don't know

Maybe my skin isn't just like yours
Maybe my teeth aren't white
Maybe your so-called standards
Aren't altogether right

Maybe I'd work very hard to win
Maybe I'd learn from a book
Maybe my abilities
Are worth another look

Use your eyes and see me
Take all my features in
Consider what's on the inside
Look beyond where I begin


This poem is Copyright © 2010 by Merkin. It cannot be reproduced without express written consent.
Codey’s World web site has written permission to publish this poem. No other rights are granted.