The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
“In the past Nomposuro had been invaded many times and each invasion failed to destroy the great tree we call Nomposuro. Its roots run deeper than any known tree and no mortal born of a woman can uproot it” were the words of the blond haired nhutu. And she was right.
It has been close to five hundred years since Nomposuro was created. Its darkness, the very air surrounding this great forest was feared. So in the past, the Huluwaazis (Leaders or Emperors) of the four great empires sent a hundred men to investigate the forest and only one of them returned. He was a great seer and sorcerer known in all the four empires as Ohuade (Seer of all things). He suddenly appeared before his twin sister from nowhere, bleeding to death. She placed her brother’s head on her laps while she screamed for help. By the time people came, he was gone. But before he died, he whispered the word, “kranju” meaning “immortal guardians”.
The Huluwaazis accepted what has happened as a war invitation. They gathered a thousand of their best soldiers. They matched into Nomposuro to destroy it, and, they too became part of the forest. The Huluwaazis finally delegated their trusted elders; wise and knowledgeable to find a solution to the Nomposuro problem. They formed a council named the Nomposuro Council.
Before Nomposuro, a secret society, Ishfa Vayi (Observers of Time), founded by a soothsayer tried to warn the Huluwaazis and the entire world about a day when an evil and dark forest will grace the earth. When the message did not reach the Huluwaazis, they tried to do something about it and failed. Later before their leader died, he prophesied that only one man, not a hundred, not a thousand – just one man will bring Nomposuro down on its knees. The council therefore commissioned the start of the Asrafodom (League of warriors) Program. The Asrafodom Program sought after and helped perfect the skill of men in the use of an array of weapons. These people became known as the Asrafos (Brave Warriors). The program was later shut down after Asrafos failed to conquer Nomposuro.
Elder Demba of the council suggested that Nomposuro was the effect of magic and only magic can destroy it. His suggestion gave birth to the Ahonti (Purifiers) Program. They invaded Nomposuro with their magical axes, cutlasses and hoes figuratively, and, still could not uproot the roots of the great tree – Nomposuro. Finally, Elder Kuyate after monitoring the heroics of the last Ahontifo (Purifier) realized that perhaps combing the two programs, Asrafodom and Ahonti, was the answer. So, the last program, The Asratifo (Purifying swordsmen) Program was started. Nomposuro like a large whale swallowed them all and not even their hairs were recovered.
By this time, Nomposuro has earned a notorious name, “An-ko-ba” (the place of no return). Henceforth, the council decided to use the forest as a prison for the worst of criminals hoping that if light could not overcome the darkness, then, perhaps the darkness can be fought only with darkness. Well, you can guess the outcome. Failure! Failure! And failure again!
So, yes it was still used as a prison for the worst of criminals but no mortal born of a woman was ready to enter the forest with the sole purpose of finding a way to uproot its roots. No please! Nomposuro is here to stay; much to the dislike of men.
Outside the forest, people did not know about those men and women; yes women! There were actually a few of them who shook the roots of Nomposuro. But I do because I was there. Before we look at the names of some of these “root shakers”, first you must understand that the kranjus (immortal guardians) cannot be killed. When they come close to dying, they become statues; a process known as the kafushii transformation (stone mummification). I prefer to call it stone mummification because at the end of the process, the body of the kranju may appear wrapped by a cloth; a very stony cloth. It was a rather painful process that keeps the kranju immobile for at least seven days after which it is released like a butterfly set free from its cocoon.
Also, there are only two conventional ways of stone mummifying a kranju. Mortal injury inflicted by another kranju was the first and the second was by using a unique weapon carefully hidden within Dun-da (caves of darkness). This weapon goes by many names. Some call it Zakaru’s katui (Zakaru’s slayer) and some also call it sikan nifanum (the five edged sword). But in Nomposuro, it was called the kafunde (demon mummifier). Now, to Nomposuro’s hall of fame:
The evil twins, Ayele and Ajele were the first to shake the mighty roots of Nomposuro. Two sisters wanted in their homeland, Gambua. They fled to Nibooman (Western Empire) and were part of the first hundred explorers whom went on the first ever Nomposuro expedition. But the shinkos attacked and only three survived; two of which were Ayele and Ajele. The third you already know as the seer known as Ohuade. They killed all the shinkos but died in the process.
Zibaru (the devil’s offspring) was thought to be the reincarnation of Zakaru Sidiata (Zakaru the immortal), son of Zimbaru Sibombe (Zimbaru the conqueror). Zibaru was an explosive-level Asrafo (brave warrior) and was being groomed by the league’s master, Okyerefo (teacher), to someday take his place as a toxic-level Asrafo. He entered Nomposuro as an avenger – to avenge the death of three of his best friends. He was the first man to find the kafunde (demon mummifier) and cut down all thirteen shinkos. He avenged his friends whom were all killed by shinkos and died after being struck down by lightning in Nhutudan (elemental forest).
Diibe Anantie (Prince Anantie) of Bomofokro (village of hunters) joined the Ahonti program after he was banished by his beloved father Nana Bomofo V and left heart broken by the girl he loved, Xhamla. Many years of hunting with his father taught him how to evade the sharp senses of wild animals using herbs. With this knowledge, he was able to avoid confrontation with the shinkos. He crossed the Gajun (blue river) after he had frozen and detached the head of the sibudu (single headed water serpent) and entered Nhutudan. It was in Nhutudan that his true abilities were demonstrated. He was a master of the four elements and had also subdued wen-la (heavenly fire or lightning). He defeated all five nhutus and crossed the Gahan (Red River) using the same trick he used on the sibudu. Kun (first dwarf) somehow subdued him after many leaves and petals of flowers stuck to his body like glue. Sharpened branches attacked and killed the prince of Bomofokro.
Edua the bearer of Kodua’s ring and a member of the most wanted group of thieves in the world, “The Akati clan”, was banished to Nomposuro after he was finally apprehended. He was an extremely intelligent person whom also found the kafunde. He travelled as far as the Kuntu (second dwarf) where he eventually died from a giant bee sting while fighting the dwarf whom uses giant insects and spiders as weapon inside Kokrowa (the circle of eternity).
But of all these men, the name none should forget is Kundu. The kranjus nicknamed him, Srabala (The light plague). He was the best Asratifo (purifying swordsman) ever to be born into this wretched world. As a sorcerer, he had the unique ability to use light energy as a weapon. Apparently, the kranjus were basically darkness and feared light making him their worst nightmare and he was. He almost reached the home of the gods if not for the almost impossible to defeat Papa dwarf.
So where were we? I now remember, Kaki shinko had asked the young traveller his name and at the same time, Safihutu had asked Afranto if their latest intruder was really “him”. This was followed by a long pause. Afranto did not want to talk about “him” and closed her eyes once again. But second dwarf did not care anymore. He was ready to die. So, he rose and shouted “stop beating about the bush and tell us who this ‘him’ is already!”
“It is the most hated name in Nomposuro. You all know this name very well,” said Afranto.
Ok, I am waiting for your name. “What is it?” asked Kaki shinko. The young man got up; his face shinning. Clearly he was no prince charming. He had really great; puffy and black afro hair and his eyebrows were also thick with hair but that was all. His nose was big, his lips were thick and his face was hairless except for an almost invisible mustache. Around his neck hung a necklace made up of three colors; black, red and grey. He had broad shoulders and looked okay. He must have been about nineteen or twenty years old. Anyway his strength had been restored. He got up and raised his left hand slowly from his side. While his hand moved he said “Some of my friends call me Nbokaani (the party prince) and some call me Sinduye (the black genius) but my father named me…”
“Kiwakaazi is the name!” screamed Afranto. Afranto mentioned it just once but the kranjus heard it ringing like an echo in their ears for about four or five times and when it stopped, they screamed; a mixture of roaring, howling and yelling. They felt so much rage towards that name that, they would have ripped this Kiwakaazi into pieces if they could lay hands on him at that instant.
Kaki shinko could not believe it. Hearing this name, she too like the other kranjus became highly intoxicated with anger. Her back was turned to Kiwakaazi. She tried to control the rage but she failed woefully. Her beautiful face was once again covered with fur and the meanest look. She roared so loud that it was as if the very earth was shaking. Only one of the torches that lit up the inside of the cave withstood her roar. Thank the gods it was able to brighten the inside of the cave. This time, Kiwakaazi was sure she was serious. She wants to kill him.
After the roaring, howling and screaming had stopped, Afranto advised all the kranjus to sit in silence. She advised them to quite their minds and their hearts. To allow power to enter their flesh, muscles and bones. They will need it to stop this foe.
Back inside the cave; Kiwakaazi was not afraid of her anymore. He braced himself for this attack. He was ready. He is not going to die now. Because if he dies, then the story will have to end prematurely and I can’t allow that to happen. The hero must endure to the very end.
Kaki leapt into attack. “Here she comes,” thought Kiwakaazi with a cocky smile.
He may look innocent and weak. He may look ignorant and powerless but he is a powerful warrior and warlock. And he is going to grow stronger with every passing second he remains alive in Nomposuro. Afranto was coming to the end of her speech. Her body disintegrated into over a thousand white butterflies. They scattered and flew away.
“Zuulu (Determination)! Be ready to fight even if defeat is staring in your face” – Njanjan
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.