The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Emperor Sasu’s bedroom was converted into Tinle (Princess) Dedeli’s bedroom a year after her father’s passing. It was a wise decision since the Emperor’s room was the largest. Of course the elders did not agree immediately but the Empress Ashanti we all know is very assertive. It took her no time at all convincing her elders. She painted the room in different colors and had lights installed everywhere. Above the bed as part of the ceiling, hung a beautiful painting of the sky at night; a dark sky, a full moon and many stars. In each color of the princess’s room was a painting of an animal, human beings, rivers, waterfalls and other beautiful natural scenery. The room was sweet-scented. You ask which kind of scent? Why do I look like some kind of dog to you? I don’t know! Just accept that the room smelled nice and let’s move on.
Tinle (princess) Dedeli suffered from some sort of spinal disorder. She frequently was in torment from severe pains at her back. She could neither sit nor stand for too long. She was always lying in bed on her back. She also had to lie at a certain angle to minimize the pain. She therefore had many pillows to help create the optimum angle.
Princess Dedeli had no friends. The only people she met on a daily basis were her mother, servants and guards. She was always lonely. Sometimes, she wished she will just die. In fact, she once begged her mother to take her life but her mother told her that her condition, even though painful for them both is only temporal. Every night her mother will come to her room and tell her a story about how a village, group of people or princess was saved by a hero.
“A hero!” she always thought, “When will my hero come?” She knew that her mother made up those stories to pass on a message – a message that she should be patient and wait for her own hero. He will come someday. She had been waiting for this hero and during this particular night for her mother to come and tell her a story about one. Her mother was late.
She had gotten used to hearing her mother’s stories before she slept and cannot sleep without one. She wondered why her mother did not come. Her mind took her back to last night. The very same night her mother told her the fascinating story about the love masters. She remembered like it was yesterday.
First her mother walked in. Empress Ashanti was always sad to see her daughter in that condition but tried her best to mask it. She smiled and asked her daughter, “How are we tonight?” Tinle Dedeli answered cheerfully “fine! Have you come to tell me another story?” Her mother pulled a chair and sat close to her daughter’s bed and said “yes! Today’s story is very special. You will really enjoy it.” The light in her daughter’s eyes was beautiful. It was as if she was not sick at all. She cried “tell me… please tell me now!” “Calm down my dear, and listen to the fascinating story about love, said Tinle Ashanti.
Once upon a time, a great battle was fought between good and evil on earth. King Kofie of Ari wanted to rule the world. He summoned the immortal army of darkness and surrendered to darkness itself. With his immortal army, he defeated many kingdoms. The few remaining kingdoms joined forces. They were commanded by a couple – King Rokoto and his wife Queen Ayele of Gambua. It was these two who consulted Ko-a-bisa (witch trapped in the light caves). They wanted to find a way to defeat the dark king of Ari. They did not enter the cave because they say no man can enter the caves. But the witch asked the couple to enter her cave. They did and nothing happened to them. The witch looked at the King and his wife. She touched them, smelled them and said “the answer is right here – it is you two.” The King and his wife were baffled, how can they kill an immortal King and his immortal army?
Jaaziba Ashanti said “Oh, look at the time. It is very late. You have to rest now my dear. I will continue the story tomorrow.” She got up, ready to leave when her daughter caught her hand and said “if you do not end this story tonight, I cannot sleep. I will lie awake thinking about the story all night. I beg you mother. Please end the story.”
Jaaziba Ashanti said “fine, I will continue but I can’t promise ending it. It is a very long story.” Tinle Dedeli made a face as if she was sad and wanted to cry. Her mother sighed and continued.
They returned to their homes without the answer they wanted. They asked the witch to tell them exactly how they were going to defeat the immortal dark armies and all she said was by opening the gates of love. “How?” they asked the witch. She shrugged and handed them her walking stick. She told them to take it with them and they did hoping it was going to help them.
The day of the battle finally came and the couple was able to open the gates of love. Opening this gate bestowed great power on them and with that power they defeated and sealed the army of darkness in the light caves after they realized Ko-a-bisa was gone. She escaped. The light caves were henceforth named the caves of darkness.
But victory came with a price. King Rokoto died and his wife blessed with so much power became the ruler of Gambua. She was succeeded by their only daughter and that started a new tradition in Gambua – women ruled in that kingdom. To commemorate the success of the love masters, the love festival was started and celebrated in every kingdom of the world.
Dedeli looked very silent. Her mother asked her “what is it, my darling?” She said “nothing mother.” Her mother said “if you are not going to tell me then I will end the story right this instant.” “Please don’t mother. I was just wondering if love alone can help win a war. Is love that powerful?” asked Dedeli. Her mother, Empress Ashanti smiled. “You have no idea” answered Jaaziba Ashanti. She continued.
Mothers are really special. Queen Sinti, queen and now ruler of Gambua moved from one servant to the next. She looked worried and scared. She was looking for something; something precious indeed. Empress Ashanti placed her palm on her daughter’s cheeks and her daughter placed her palm on her mother’s. They both smiled. Empress Ashanti continued the story.
Queen Sinti caught up with the eldest servant in her palace. She was like a mother to the queen so she affectionately calls her “maame” (meaning mother). “Maame, I have not seen my daughter since morning. Have you seen her anywhere?” inquired the queen. She was already in tears. Maame grabbed both her arms and said “calm down your majesty. I am sure she is fine. She is probably somewhere within the kingdom making friends on this day of love. Who knows, she might even fall in love and come back home with the next king of Gambua.” Queen Sinti relaxed and said “I hope you are right. I just can’t shake this bad feeling.”
Yes, the day was coming when the whole world will join hands to celebrate the great festival of love. The palace was bustling with activity and in fact the entire world was probably getting ready to celebrate the achievements of love. But whilst people were getting ready, the princess was trying her best not to die. Empress Ashanti noticed just how attentive her daughter was. She must truly be enjoying the story. “What happened, mother? Go on, continue the story,” demanded Dedeli.
The princess was being pursued by a beast. It looked like a giant bat with a long, slender but bushy tail that could roar. Empress Ashanti made a scary face, lifted her arms and tried to roar. Beautiful Dedeli was so impressed with her mother’s acting that she laughed. In that moment she forgot all about the pains she might feel and laughed. She did not laugh that hard but she just stopped and made a face. She was in pain. Her mother paused and asked “are you alright dear?” She smiled and said “I am fine mother.” “Are you sure,” demanded Empress Ashanti. “I felt a slight pain but it is gone now. Please continue the story,” answered Dedeli. Ashanti was not sure. Maybe she overdid it when she tried acting. “I am fine, please continue” insisted Dedeli. Ashanti made eyes at her daughter. Then, she continued.
The princess stumbled and fell face down. She heard the roar above her. She sat and turned to face the beast from above. Her face looked beautiful even in the face of death. The beast suddenly flew at top speed towards her. She was too afraid to run. She closed her eyes, lifted her arms and screamed very loudly. She screamed for a long time and realized nothing was happening to her. She stopped, opened her eyes and looked up. The beast was not there. She heard movement on her left. She turned and saw someone entangled with the beast. This mysterious person overpowered the beast, pinned it to the ground and punched it in the face several times.
The princess watched her hero fighting so hard to save her and all she could think about was to run. She got up and ran. She put quite some distance between her hero and the bat when she heard a really loud roar. It scared her but she suddenly felt the urge to return. She wanted to save herself first but somehow found herself back – back where he was fighting the beast.
It appeared this hero was not quite good at saving damsels in distress. The princess saw him passed out on the ground. The beast was already moving towards him. She rushed to his side. The beast saw her kneeling next to him. She shook his body and shouted “get up! Get up!” The beast drew its claws and attacked with enough speed and force to impale her hero. The princess did not know what to do. She just placed her body on top of the hero — she shielded him.
Empress Ashanti heard knocking. She asked the person to come in. It was one of her servants. “Your Majesty, we have an emergency that requires your attention immediately.” Dedeli could not believe it. “No, please finish the story. You can’t leave now.” Her mother promised her she will be back soon to complete the story and left.
So, Dedeli was remembering the story her mother told her last night. She recalls feeling very uneasy when her mother left. Her mind got straight to work asking many questions. Her mother had to come back soon and finish this story. She could see herself in the eyes of this princess already.
She was thinking about last night’s events when she heard something. She turned left and then right. Only a few of the lights around her bed were on. Her room was quite dark. For an instant there she feared. Her heart raced.
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.