The Legend Of Kiwakaazi by Nanak



The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 7:   Prisoner 666     Story Index >>

All the way in the spirit realm in a specific part of Gbeleshie (Afterlife) known as Shiayen (White desert) was where it all started. What did start? Close your eyes and come with me on a journey to the Afterlife; to that specific part of Gbeleshie called Shiayen and I will show you.

It was noon at Shiayen. The sun was high. The wind was blowing and white sand filled the air. Panting and running with all his strength in the white sands was a man. He left footprints in the sand. His skin was dark and covered with scars and sweat. He had a relatively large head over his tall body (about six feet tall). He possessed manly features; long curly hair that covered his forehead; there was a cut through his left eye; thick eyebrows; relatively big nose and unusually small thin lips. Looking straight ahead, he discovered nothing but white sand was before him. He turned his head to look back.

Far away from where he was, was a large white mansion with tall dark walls around it. Inside this big mansion, cries were heard; men and women crying in pain and begging for mercy. In one specific room; large dark room with tall ceiling, Gbelemantse Kakai was seated on his tiny golden stool. He suddenly rose to his feet (looking gigantic as usual) and shouted, “What… how did that happen?”

Two men were kneeling in front of him dressed in black armor; soldiers in his army. The one on his right answered, “No one knows how he did it, my lord.” Kakai turned his back to his men and said, “Bring me Kaki and Shinko.”

The man looked forward and continued running. Suddenly, he stopped to catch his breath. He went on his knees, kneeling in the sand. Sweat dropped from his face and skin and disappeared even before it touched the sands. He was tired, drained of energy, felt thirsty and dizzy.

He rose to his feet and started walking like a drunk. He tried to run but and stopped after about six steps. There was no way he could run so he walked. His thirst grew. His body felt heavy. He dropped to his knees again, lifted his head to the skies and prayed, “Help me… somebody please help me.”

Dzani faced a man but this was no ordinary man. His face and body were black like a shadow. His eyes were red and his black head was on fire – literally on fire. “You… you were responsible for my banishment. Why are you here?” asked the man. Dzani answered, “Hello Kilambe (Beauty). Father sent me. He commanded me to come to your world and return all His Shosuma (miniature selves) back to Alaami (Home of Eternal Peace).” Kilambe turned his back and remarked, “You still call me that… Kilambe (beauty)? Anyway, that is going to be impossible. Father has been too patient. The Shosuma have long forgotten him. They are now slaves to me and my children.” Dzani smiled and whispered, “Maybe….”

Kilambe (now Ishfa) turned, frowned and shouted, “Oja nframa npem pem (thousands upon thousands rays of fire)!” Dzani closed his eyes and whispered softly, “Srosro nsu brani… twa me ho shia (surround me, heavenly waters).”

About a million fire rays surrounded Dzani but were quenched instantly by cool air that originated from his body. Even the fire around Kilambe’s head was quenched. Kilambe’s head changed and was replaced with six cobra heads; black cobras. Dzani lifted his right hand and whispered, “Ntakra ja (feather on fire).” A long glowing feather appeared in his right hand.

The cobras attacked one after another and each one got a feather slap on the head. Kilambe’s head changed to its original form – dark and on fire. He fell before Dzani and cried, “Forgive me brother. I have sinned against you and against Father. Teach me your secrets so that I may also be saved from sin.” Dzani held his hand over Kilambe’s head and said, “Sorry Kilambe, there is some place I need to be now.” Dzani disappeared leaving Kilambe on his knees. Kilambe’s face changed. He looked like Dzani’s twin. Kilambe too said, “Sorry brother but I cannot let you destroy the world I have worked so hard to build.”

Kaki and Shinko suddenly appeared before Gbelemantse. They faced his back. Shinko was human. He had pale skin. Half of his hair was white and the other half was black. He had a cute, childish and ignorant looking face. His eyes were red and he had a few black hairs around his chin.

Kaki had very pale skin and blond hair. Her face was almost circular and she had cute lips. Her nose was pointed and she looked really tall for a woman. Her eyes were green and she had long pointy canines. Her tongue was almost like the tongue of a snake; only bigger and thicker. They were not carrying any weapons and were dressed simply. Shinko wore dirty green shorts and white sleeveless shirt exposing his pale skin and huge muscles. Kaki also wore an extremely short multicolored skirt and a cloth tied to her back concealed her breasts. Hanging around her neck was a single and long bead necklace.

Gbelemantse turned and barked, “One of my prisoners, the one bearing a unique number, has escaped! Find him and bring him back to me!” Kaki and Shinko bowed before their leader and vanished.

They appeared in front of the man. He was still kneeling in the white sands completely enervated. Shinko used his right hand to move the hair that covered the man’s forehead. Tattooed boldly on his forehead was the number 666. Kaki said, “He’s definitely the one.” Suddenly, a man appeared behind Kaki and Shinko and in front of prisoner 666. Kaki turned and asked, “Who are you?” “I am the answer to his prayer,” answered the man (Dzani).

Around the same time, Afranto appeared before Gbelemantse Kakai. “Father summons you,” mentioned Afranto. Kakai became worried. He wondered, “Does he know already?” He disappeared a fraction of a second after Afranto disappeared.

Gbelemantse was now at Ishfa’s (Ishfa, meaning time or change is what people call Kilambe) palace. There was a throne and there was a crown and yet no one sat on the throne or wore the crown. Gathered around the crown and throne were Shutu, Abra, Suome, Mayale, Xhoba, Daale and other ruhas and ruhushis. A voice was heard. It was Ishfa’s voice. The voice explained, “My children, the time I have feared all my life has finally come. My brother, Dzani, has entered my world. He plans on destroying everything we have built over the past million or more years. We have to work harder to enslave the Shosuma.”

Kakai got up and said, “Why don’t we just kill this Dzani and enslave him also?” His siblings nodded. Kakai had a point. Ishfa’s voice spoke again this time cautioning, “That will be suicidal. Dzani is very powerful. And he can literally not be harmed because of his mirror technique. Return to your homes and start preparations. A great war is coming.”

Kaki and shinko changed. Shinko assumed the form of the shinko we all know – a furry beast with white fur running down his spine. He had red eyes, large pointy teeth, a scary face – you know… the usual. However, Kaki was quite different from the shinko we know. Her body was covered with white fur all over. She had long pointy ears and red eyes. She had a pair of wings and a long tail. The end of her tail was modified to form a cone. 

Kaki opened her mouth and produced sound that vibrated Dzani’s body. A few seconds later, she exploded. Shinko had no idea how their new acquaintance did it but still pounced on him. Dzani just stood there and watched Shinko with real concern in his eyes. Shinko scratched Dzani’s face and held his own face later. He looked in his palms and saw his blood; he had scratched his own face.

Both Kaki and Shinko were healed but wondered how they were going to fight this man. He neither attacks nor defends himself. Attack him and you end up hurting yourself. Kaki appeared on Shinko’s right. She whispered, “I don’t think we can defeat this man. Let us just grab the prisoner and run for it.” Shinko nodded in agreement. Dzani closed his eyes and also whispered, “Hain eduo son son,” meaning the seventy-seven rays of light. His body started to glow forcing Kaki and Shinko to close their eyes. He became too bright.

Kaki and shinko opened their eyes and found themselves in Gbelemantse Kakai’s arms and back in his castle. Shinko asked, “What happened?” Kakai answered, “I just saved you both.” Kaki said, “That man… he is very powerful. Who is he?” Kakai answered, “He is the man who has been sent to wage war.”

So, prisoner 666 fell at Dzani’s feet. He was very grateful. He cried when he enquired, “Ancient One, how can I repay this debt?” Dzani simply placed his right palm on his head and answered, “I am sending you back to the human world. Seek me.” Prisoner 666 disappeared.

A woman in Yuala was in labor. The elderly women who were there to help her deliver were shouting, “Push... push!” She pushed and gave birth to a son. But the woman was still in discomfort. One of the elderly women stuck her longest finger into her vagina and shouted, “There is another one coming! Push…!” She pushed and delivered another son. The twins were named Fonte and Conte. I hope you remember Conte from Book One.

Back in Shiayen: Prisoner 666’s escape angered Gbelemantse Kakai. His generals were always busy reaping souls from their bodies and bringing them to him so that he could sever their link to the world. The rest of his army appeared incompetent. They had allowed a prisoner to escape. He needed someone powerful to guard his fortress – someone who will foil attempts to escape.

Kaki brought a man to him. Generally, the souls brought before Kakai are terrified of him but this man was not. He pleaded and begged. He had an interesting story and this was his story:

His wife was an orphan. When he married her, he promised to protect her and remain by her side. They will eventually die together. Unfortunately, he held no power over death. He could not keep his promise. His wife will leave the rest of her life in misery and die a lonely woman. Gbelemantse shrunk to the man’s size and studied the man’s palm. He looked at him in the eyes and said, “You are right, but I don’t care.” The man went on his knees and shouted, “I will do anything! I will serve you for eternity if you would have me! Please send me back!” Gbelemantse asked, “How much more time do you beg for?” The man was surprised. He did not think that the king of the death gods was that generous. He looked left and then right and stammered, “Just give me twenty more years.” Gbelemantse Kakai offered the man his right hand and said, “Let’s shake on it.” The man shook Kakai’s hand and felt his palm burn. After shaking Kakai’s hand, he had a strange mark in his right palm. Gbelemantse Kakai said, “Go, return to your beloved wife,” and the man disappeared.

Twenty years passed and the man died for the second time. After his death, he was taken to Shiayen (the white desert) and to Gbelemantse Kakai. Gbelemantse dug his right arm in his left palm and pulled out the Uhurusa katui. He placed the weapon before this man and said, “Pick it up and surrender to its power.” The man did and changed into a Rahasi (guardian of hell) becoming the first guardian. After almost half a century of training under Kakai, he was introduced to the thirteen generals of Kakai. Rahasi stood beside Kakai facing the thirteen generals of death. Kakai shouted, “Kaki step forward!” and Kaki did. Next, Kakai shouted, “Rahasi step forward!” and he also did. Kakai shouted, “Fight!”

Rahasi was first to attack. He disappeared and appeared right in front of Kaki. The two golden swords he used as weapons were bearing down on Kaki’s head. Kaki caught both his arms. Her tail moved and attempted wrapping itself around Rahasi. He disappeared and appeared behind Kaki. Rahasi’s golden sword in his left was inches away from Kaki’s back when her tail grabbed his left wrist and lifted him above the ground. She swung Rahasi towards her right and threw him towards her left.

One death god with sandy hair standing next to Shinko said, “I think she is going to use it.” Kaki’s green eyes widened, she opened her mouth and produced a loud screeching sound. Rahasi had already fallen and was rising to his feet when his body started vibrating. He continued to vibrate and was even lifted about a feet above the ground. Kaki was still not happy about something. Her eyes were specialized to understand how molecules come together to form bonds in materials. But Rahasi’s black vest was unique. Whenever the molecules break up, they reassemble twice as quickly and sometimes different bonds are formed; stronger and more difficult to break.

Kaki made a fist with her right. She disappeared and punched Rahasi in the chest. He was sent flying backwards. She disappeared again, appeared behind Rahasi and gave him another right punch in the back. This second punch drove Rahasi into the ground. He collided and was buried under white sand. Gbelemantse and the remaining twelve death gods feared the worst had befallen Rahasi. Kaki’s right arm is very powerful and not even Kakai can survive two hits.

Suddenly, they felt the ground beneath their feet shaking. Rahasi emerged out of the sands spreading and covering the atmosphere with white sand. He roared and all the death gods had to plug their ears and stand firmly to avoid being blown away by the loud roar. He had grown an extra pair of arms under his arm pits. He disappeared and attacked Kaki head-on.

Kaki once again moved her tail to her fore. Rahasi attacked the tail and this time cut through Kaki’s tail. Kaki disappeared in time to avoid being cut by Rahasi’s golden swords. Rahasi also disappeared. Kaki appeared and Rahasi appeared on her left; his back in line with her back. He swung his right sword backwards with his upper right arm. Kaki ducked but Rahasi’s lower right arm was on the move. Kaki moved her tail to her side. This time, it withstood Rahasi’s golden blade. Kaki disappeared.

Rahasi was right in her face again when she appeared. All four arms of the Rahasi had been swung. Kaki disappeared and when she appeared, she had been cut on her right side close to her waist. Kaki was enraged. Rahasi disappeared again and Gbelemantse shouted, “Stop!”

Rahasi appeared kneeling in front of Kaki. His two upper arms stretched towards Kaki with his two golden swords sitting on her abdomen. Blood dripped from the tips. Behind his head, the pointed end of Kaki’s cone-like tail was ready to drill through his skull and she had also opened her mouth to use her unique sound technique again. This time, it was going to be different and Gbelemantse sensed it.

“It’s a draw,” said Gbelemantse. Rahasi and Kaki separated. Gbelemantse looked pleased. He shouted, “Dismiss!” All the death gods disappeared except Kaki and Rahasi. They both stared into each other’s eyes for a while. The wind blew and carried white sand that passed right between Kaki and Rahasi. Kaki disappeared after the sand had passed. Gbelemantse reappeared and questioned, “What are you waiting for, Subrukutu (four armed guardian of hell)? Come, we have work to do.” They both disappeared.

Kaki was the first to ever fight a Rahasi (guardian of hell). She knows just how powerful and persistent they are. Now, she will have to fight Kiwakaazi; Kiwakaazi-turned-Rahasi!


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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.