The Legend Of Kiwakaazi by Nanak



The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 4:   In the beginning II — The Bond Between Father and Son     Story Index >>

Back to Anambre’s story: Many years passed and not even a single Shosuma found his way back to Alaami (The Home of Eternal Peace). The six sons of Akaani met once again in Alaami. They all sat on golden stools around a round golden table. In some cultures, a round table symbolizes family and I think it was borrowed from these lofty beings.  Of all the six brothers, only Dzani wore a crown; a symbol that he was the ruler of Alaami. Hikaazi (Will) explained to his brothers that Akaani is worried. He is worried about the conditions of his sons, Shosuma. He hears them crying to Him. They are in pain and want to leave Kilambe’s world of fleeting pleasure and never ending pain. Akaani wants one of his sons to volunteer. He did not want to force any of sons into doing something they are not ready to do. He just wants a brave son to leave his home, journey into Kilambe’s (Beauty’s) home and rescue Shosuma from their youngest brother. The six sons suddenly became very silent. Who was ready to be sacrificed?

Deila sat down beside Kiwakaazi. She bent her knees to her body and held her legs. Kiwakaazi was intrigued. He always thought she was Kaki, and, now she is calling herself Deila. There must be an interesting story behind that and he loves stories. He noticed she was even more beautiful after her bath and she looked calm. Maybe he should have swum too.

 She began to tell him a story — a story about how from a beautiful princess, she became a monster. It was the most fascinating story about love Kiwakaazi had heard. It started perhaps five hundred years ago. She was a damsel but not in distress. She was happy living her life as an atheist of love. The strong love she thought existed between her parents changed suddenly and she stopped believing in love. Then one day, she met Prince Jenak of Nananompofie (Central Empire) and she hated him. He was foolish and preached love. But later, their friends set them up on a blind date and after that day, she wondered if perhaps she had misjudged the entire situation. It was not long when she fell in love with him and him with her. But something did not want them to be together.

Alaami is a region above time. Time does not exist in this realm but the six sons of Akaani did take their time in deciding. You would wonder why they were so afraid. There are many reasons why. I would try to explain three of these reasons. Kilambe’s realm was completely cut off. Kilambe rules in these realms and any being entering these realms must subject him or herself to Kilambe’s rules. One of these rules insists that it does not matter how high or mighty the spirit maybe, as soon as this spirit is born on earth, he or she must forget where he or she came from and how to get back there. This forgetfulness is the key to Kilambe eventually gaining control over the spirit. The second reason is that, Kilambe’s three realms where subject to pain and pleasure. Beyond these realms, there is no pain; only peace and joy. The sons of Akaani all watched just how the Shosuma was being tormented by Kilambe. None of them wanted to go through that pain and the third and perhaps most important of all was that, the sons of Akaani could not stand being separated from their father. That pain was the most unbearable of all pains for all seven sons of Akaani. Yes, even Kilambe feels that pain.

Someone had to be bold. Someone must go. Dzani rose to his feet and said, “I will go. I will sacrifice myself for the sake of Shosuma. But I am not without fear. I need to know Hikazi, will Father support me? Will He be with me? Because without Him, I will be enslaved by my youngest brother and I would have failed my mission.”

Kiwakaazi felt a little bit jealous after hearing that there was someone Kaki (now Deila) loved before him. He wanted to be her first love but it was okay. After all, Jenak is long dead and he was no threat at all. He listened while she continued her story. So, they were happy until she became very ill. Her parents, Jaazi (Emperor) Arangosango and Jaaziba (Empress) Safiri took her to Nananompofie where the guanvi (flower of life) was going to be used to save her. But she arrived at the wrong time. The only two people who had knowledge about how to use the guanvi’s powers were in Nibooman (Western Empire) preparing for the first Peace Summit that would unite the five empires of the Saharaifa (Saharan Civilization). Her boyfriend, Jenak was very desperate to save her and she still does not know exactly what he did. She was lying in bed one night. Her life was slipping away when she heard a voice.

The six sons of Akaani heard the sweet music again — an indication of Oogu’s presence and from this music they heard a voice say, “I will be with you because Oogu (Cause of Creation) will be with you. Nothing Kilambe does will affect or change you. Go my brave son and return them all to me. But remember not to use force. Tell them about my Love. Tell them about My Home. Tell them in My Home they are not servants but Lords and Princes, and, tell them how they can get here through Oogu. And bring those who welcome this message into their hearts.” So Dzani left behind his throne and his crown. He bade farewell to his brothers and to his subjects, the Shosuma (Life or Souls) that remained in Alaami with him and he told them he had been sent to Fujita (physical world) to return the Shosuma. He will return when his work was done.

 Ishfa welcomed Dzani in Duitifa (City of Time). “You… you were responsible for my banishment. Why are you here?” asked Ishfa. Dzani answered, “Hello Kilambe (Beauty). Father sent me. He commanded me to come to your world and return all His Shosuma (miniature selves) back to Alaami (Home of Eternal Peace).” Kilambe turned his back to Dzani and remarked, “You still call me that… Kilambe (Beauty)? Anyway, that is going to be impossible. Father has been too patient. The Shosuma have long forgotten Him. They are now slaves to me and my children.” Dzani smiled and whispered, “Maybe….”

Deila continued her story. The voice was Kaki’s (the white shadow of death’s) voice. She convinced Deila that she could save her — she could buy her more time on earth. Deila would recover and spend a little more time with Jenak before her final passing. That was what she wanted so she accepted Kaki into her heart and into her body. However, Kaki’s spirit was stronger than hers. She was imprisoned by Kaki and remained prisoner until that day inside Nompoti (Circle of Truth) when she first Kiwakaazi — when she starred into his eyes. His eyes filled her body with power and she was finally able to break the chains around her wrist and ankles. She finally had the strength to stand up to Kaki and she was able to command her not to kill Kiwakaazi. Kiwakaazi saved her and every second with Kiwakaazi has helped her to evolve into a human being. She was indebted to him and she has not even started paying her debt. Kiwakaazi’s eyes watered. He was overwhelmed with the desire to cry. He rubbed his eyes and complained that dirt or something had fallen on his eyes.

 We all remember that after Ishfa (Time) welcomed Dzani. He attacked his brother and later begged for his forgiveness. However, Dzani was in a hurry. He left to save a particular prisoner — prisoner 666. Later, Dzani took birth in the world. He was born a human like everyone. His parents gave him the name Anambre but later in his life, he awakened and remembered that he, Anambre, was Akaani’s fourth son. He was Dzani (Knowledge). He was the ruler of Alaami and a messenger of Akaani sent to deliver a message to the world. His message was that “The doors to Alaami are now opened to anyone who wants to enter. But who really wants to enter? Who is ready to give up their status as servant on earth and gain another as Prince of Alaami? Who, asked Anambre repeatedly?”

After pretending to be getting something out of his eyes while crying, Kiwakaazi asked, “So you are actually a princess?” She answered, “Yes! Why, don’t I look like one?” She frowned. Kiwakaazi smiled and shook his head. “You do! I was just wondering out loud,” responded Kiwakaazi. “I can’t believe you are almost five hundred years old and still look so young and beautiful.” voiced Kiwakaazi. She replied, “Thank you, Kay but you are too young for me.” He laughed and wanted to say something when they were both interrupted.

There was more. Anambre got married and had a son and leaving behind that son was the most difficult thing he had to do. Anambre understood why his father sent him to return Shosuma. The love between father and son is a special bond. Kilambe or Ishfa also knew this and when Anambre died, he once again welcomed his brother. Ishfa (Time) said, “It seems you are the son who was created to spoil everything for me. Because of you I got banished and now, because of you, I am going to lose many of my servants. But I know your secret. I know the one person you really wanted to save and now I am telling you this — he is never joining you in your precious Alaami (Home of Eternal Peace).”

Anambre was looking at Kiwakaazi with so much love in his eyes. Kiwakaazi felt awkward. ‘Why is he looking at me like that?’ he wondered. Anambre smiled and answered Kiwakaazi’s thoughts, “Because you are my son, Kiwakaazi. And it is time you joined me and your mother in Alaami.” Kiwakaazi looked surprised. “How can you be my father? I am the son of Obenfo Molade and Naa Lamle,” disagreed Kiwakaazi. Anambre simply smiled. “You will understand when this is all over,” whispered Anambre. He grabbed Kiwakaazi’s right arm and they both disappeared.

“It seems you have found the valley of peace” said a voice that sounded like a baby’s. Kiwakaazi and Deila heard this voice from above them. They were enjoying their conversation so much that they did not notice the nhutus. They could have been easily killed. They looked up to meet their guests or rather their hosts.

“The Nhutus are in the house!”


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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.