The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Inside Nomposuro:
Edua told his new gang, “Listen carefully. These creatures cannot be fought. These creatures cannot be stopped. These creatures cannot be killed. When you see them there is only one thing you can do… run!” The five men scattered and run as fast as they could.
It was a long and windy run. Edua stopped to catch his breath. Something jumped from the bushes and landed a few steps in front of him. It was Kaki. She was crouching on four limbs. Her mouth and teeth had been painted with blood. She took a step forward and came closer to Edua, and Edua took a step backwards. Kaki took another step and Edua took a second step backwards. Edua’s third step backwards after Kaki’s step forward and there was no more room behind him. A tree stood in his way. Kaki growled and pounced on Edua.
7:40pm at the Bureau of Investigations into crimes:
Naa Aku continued with her story: Ntahene III (chief of twins III) of Ntakro (village of twins) in the south named his nephew, Odum as his successor. Ntakro was a strange village. Since the time of Ntahene I every chief gave birth to twins. One of these twins succeeds the throne. Ntahene III wanted the younger of his twins, Atta Krakra, to succeed him. Sadly, Atta Kakra died of unknown causes. Atta Panyin was certain with his brother out of the way, he was going to succeed his father. Ntahene III instead named Odum as heir. Atta Panyin killed his father and imprisoned Odum, elders of the village, and villagers who were on Odum’s side. Thirty men and women were imprisoned by Atta Panyin. Two prisoners were executed each day. Since there were thirty, this would have gone on for fifteen days. Atta Panyin left the best for last. His cousin, Odum, and his best friend were going to be executed last on the fifteen day; on the very day Odum would have been crowned Ntahene of Ntakro.
At 12 a.m. on the fifteenth day, Kodua, the village’s herbalist held a calabash firmly over his head in the bushes on the outskirts of Ntakro. He repeated the words “sabooba sabooba… sam sam…sakaala” Smoke rose from the calabash and ascended to the sky. He continued to repeat the words until no more smoke rose from the calabash. Then he stopped. He waited with the calabash still above his head until the smoke returned from the sky. The force with which it struck the calabash forced Kodua to his knees. After about ten seconds, it stopped and the sound of something hard dancing in the calabash was heard. Kodua lowered the calabash and held it with his left while he picked a ring inside the calabash with his right. He wore the ring on his left ring finger and started running back to his village.
8:30 pm inside the underground storage facility of the Imperial palace of the west:
It was night. The lights have been cut and it was dark. The five members of the Akati clan were on their knees with guns aimed. They wore black jump suits and face masks. Flashlights were attached to their foreheads to help them see in the dark. They knelt in front of the entrance of the underground storage facility. The only Imperial storage facility they had not yet stolen from. Edua said, “This is crazy. Let us surrender and escape death.” Dagano said, “The punishment that awaits us is worse than death.” “What could be worse than death?” questioned Sofo. “Nomposuro…,” answered Sako. Edua insisted, “We could still escape…” Bayo interrupted, “Enough Edua! This was supposed to be your last job and now it might be the last for us all. We are going to fight until the last man falls. Are you with us?!”
General Samini shouted, “Akati clan! You have been cornered. Surrender now and perhaps you may live for another day.” There was no answer. General Samini whispered, “How many of them are out there?” One of his men wore his x-ray glasses and pushed his head around the wall to ascertain the number. Dagano spotted him and fired. The soldier fell flat on the ground after he was shot in the head.
General Samini frowned. He was furious. One of his men questioned, “What should we do sir?” General Samini answered, “Smoke grenade.” About three smoke grenades were rolled on the ground towards the Akati clan. A puff sound was heard and smoke filled the hallway. Bayo shouted, “Fire!”
7:42pm at the Bureau of Investigations into crimes:
Naa Aku continues her story: Kodua arrived outside the prison — a special prison in Ntakro known as the twa-wo-ho (labyrinthine prison). The holding cells were at the center of never ending walls built to form a complicated labyrinth — almost like a maze. No one had ever escaped that prison. Only two soldiers guarded the entrance of the prison. They carried swords, bow and arrows. Their work was so easy that instead of guarding the area outside the prison, they napped through the night.
Kodua still did not leave anything to chance. He blew a white powder over their eyes to keep them sleeping. Then he touched and passed through the wall. He continued this until he arrived at the holding cells. Two men sat in dirt and rested their backs on the bamboo sticks that were used as bars around the holding cell. They looked pale and had given up hope. One of them slowly rose to his feet and exclaimed with surprise, “Father!?”
Yes, Kodua’s only son, Bodua, was Odum’s best friend. Bodua asked, “What are you doing here? I thought you were executed a long time ago.” Kodua answered saying, “We are running out of time. I came to give you something — something that will save you.” Father and son held hands. Kodua passed the ring to his son. Bodua took it and felt his body vibrating. He asked, “What is this and how is this going to save me?”
Kodua answered, “Wear the ring and you will be able to walk through the walls. Go straight and you will eventually be outside this prison.” Bodua said, “No! My life is not important.” He gave the ring to his friend and brother, Odum. Kodua said, “I am sorry my son but only people who have my blood can use this ring.” Bodua said, “Then I am not escaping.” Prince Odum said, “Don’t be foolish Bodua. Don’t ignore your father’s sacrifice. Take the ring and escape. I will die in peace knowing that at least the one person I consider family in this world survived.” Bodua with great hesitation took the ring and first passed through the bamboo sticks. He looked back and said, “I am not giving up on you — both of you.”
Inside Nomposuro:
Kaki collided into the tree and fell on her back. She rose to her feet and shook her head wondering how and what exactly happened? Just before she caught Edua, he passed through the tree and appeared on the other side of the tree. He was terrified but he was no fool. He ran and some more he ran. The thirteenth shinko came out of hiding. He spoke, “He passed through the tree.” Kaki said, “I know that.” The thirteenth spoke again, “Then you understand we must quickly kill him before he becomes a major problem later.” Kaki said, “Don’t just stand there and lecture me. Go after him!” Edua did not even have to touch the trees. He kept running through them and was picking up speed.
8:32 pm inside the underground storage facility of the Imperial palace of the west:
Sofo and Sako were first to fall. Dagano and Bayo had been hit but like the brave villains they were continued firing at the soldiers. Many of the soldiers had also been gunned down. The shootout continued. Edua finally came to his senses after he was shot in the left shoulder. The members of the Akati clan wore bullet proof vests but somehow a bullet escaped his vest. Edua actually saw his blood. Then he remembered that his mission was to steal the Vuduwadu (Vudu’s cube). All he must do is enter the storage facility and steal it. He will then reverse time and everyone will be saved. He touched the steel entrance and entered the storage facility.
7:45pm at the Bureau of Investigations into crimes:
It all sounded like a fairytale to Agent Sitso but it somehow made sense. The Akati clan’s trademark was cutting the power supply before stealing from any bank or storage facility. Most banks and storage facilities had entrances and exits powered by electricity. He always wondered how they got in and out without damaging these entrances and exits. It all came to together. They did not have to. Someone was passing through them like they were not there.
There was still one question he had to ask; why does the Vuduwadu society believe that the Akati clan is after the Vuduwadu? Naa Aku’s answer was that they sent their own forensic team to dust for prints and it was conclusive — the mark left by the ring on the finger was in each deposit box. He asked Naa Aku, “So why wait till now? Why did you not contact me with this information earlier?” Naa Aku answered, “You seem to forget Agent Sitso, the Vuduwadu society does not exist. Besides we wanted to be very sure of our theory that the Akati clan is after the Vuduwadu.” Agent Sitso gaped outside his window and thought, ‘So what now?’ He noticed the huge palace of the Emperor in a distance. He frowned, turned and motioned towards Naa Aku. He took her arm and dragged her along. She questioned, “Where are we going?” “I will explain on the way. Just follow me!” answered Agent Sitso.
7:45pm at the Imperial Palace
Agent Sitso and Naa Aku arrived at the Imperial Palace. Initially, they would not be granted entry. Agent Sitso insisted that it was a matter of Imperial security. He had important information. But the guards at the entrance did not care. He was not entering. Not by the hairs of their chiny… chin… chin. Draco (Director of Investigations) Ankra was late for the summit and noticed his best agent arguing with the guards at the entrance. He asked one of the two guards, “What is going on here?” The guard answered, “Sir, this man claims he is with your Bureau.” Draco Ankra said, “Not only is this man with my Bureau. He is here with me and you will allow him to enter.” They both answered, “Yes sir!” and allowed Agent Sitso and Naa Aku in. Naa Aku however refused to go in. She claimed she had to make an important call.
Agent Sitso said, “Thank you, sir.” Draco Ankra said, “Thank me later. What brings you here? It better be good.” Agent Sitso answered, “It is about the Akati clan. I must speak with General Samini at once.”
Inside the Imperial Suite of the Akwantufo Hotel: Edua met his gang of thieves to discuss their last job. He said, “Thank you all for meeting me here once again. I have reviewed the information you gave me and have come up with the best plan — a plan to perform the perfect heist tonight.” Sofo exclaimed, “Tonight! Are you crazy?”
“Tonight… you really think they will attack tonight, asked General Samini. “Yes!” answered Agent Sitso. Think about it. Tonight all the attention will be on the Emperors and delegates. Tonight the west will do everything to avoid what happened the last time. It is the perfect distraction for the perfect heist,” added Agent Sitso. General Samini said, “Right, let us assume your crazy theory is correct and the attack is tonight. How are they getting in and out?”
Edua spread a large piece of paper on the table. It was the plan of the Imperial palace. He explained while pointing, “Four tunnels were dug from under the Imperial palace to help the Quaazis escape from the palace if it should be attacked to secure locations outside the city. One of these tunnels will lead us right to this corridor. After we take a left turn, we will be facing the entrance of the storage facility.” Sofo asked, “Assume we successfully get in unnoticed, how are we going to get past security?”
Agent Sitso answered, “There are no guards.” He also pointed on a large paper, identical to the one Edua was using. “There are however eight cameras watching the hallway. There is a fuse box here (pointing to something). If it should be tampered with it will disrupt power supply to the cameras, lights and the only elevator to the storage facility. It will take about ten minutes for the fuse box to be repaired. During that time when there is no one watching and there is no way to get down there, they will enter the storage facility and steal whatever it is they are after.”
Bayo said, “It seems like a solid plan, Edua. It’s a shame this will be our last job. Anyway, what exactly are we planning on stealing inside the storage facility?”
General Samini asked, “What exactly do you think they are after?” Agent Sitso answered, “They are after the contents of box 81.” General Samini’s expression changed. “Who told you about box 81?” he asked. “That is not important. For all we know they could be down there right this instant. We have to take action now!”
Bayo asked his brothers, “Are you ready boys?”
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2024 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.