The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
With Kaki and Aran down, Edua mummified the remaining eleven shinkos with ease. His next opponent was the sibudu. Fighting the budu is always challenging but Edua found a way around it. He slayed the blue serpent and stormed Nhutudan. The nhutus were splendid hosts.
The first two nhutus to be trapped in stone were the red-haired nhutu and the black-haired nhutu. Every time Edua will come close to slaying an nhutu she will change into an element and reassemble after about fifteen seconds. He had been fighting them for close to six hours and he was tired. His Rahasi transformation suddenly disappeared and he was finally cornered. He sat with his back pressed against a tree and panting.
The nhutus thought they had finally got him. Four nhutus surrounded him floating in the air. You know the usual four, minus their leader, Safihutu. On his extreme left was the black-haired nhutu, next to her was the red-haired nhutu, followed by the blond and then the white haired nhutu was on his extreme right. The blond-haired nhutu opened her left palm and a small ice crystal shaped like a dagger floated gently above her palm. She looked into Edua’s eyes and let go of the ice crystal that flew aiming for Edua’s heart.
Edua quickly touched the stem of the tree and was gone. The nhutus were surprised and lost concentration. It was the perfect chance, carefully planned by Edua to take down the four nhutus at once. So this is what happened; he passed through the stem of the tree, changed into a Rahasi, disappeared and appeared with his kafunde already swung to take the nhutus down. He was able to decapitate the black and red-haired nhutus but the blond and white-haired nhutus quickly changed into a water statue and a wind-shaped human before he got them.
Outside Nomposuro, the Ishfa vayi met with the emperors of the four great empires after the first hundred had been sent to explore the forest:
The founder of the Ishfa vayi was an old man and he passed away soon after Nomposuro was formed. But before his passing, the seer had another dream. He foretold that only one man will bring down the “White wall of Nomposuro.” He called this man “Luasinwe” (The Chosen One). Only two men were present during this prophecy — one of two men who would succeed the founder. One of these two, the short man whom disguised himself as a guard and attacked Kaazi Kiwakaazi II asked, “How is this possible. How can the great one have two contrasting dreams?”
The founder of the cult explained that the future of mankind is never certain. In the spirit realm, about a billion futures exist for each man. They all happen at the same time. But to exercise free will — the basis for human judgment, only one future ever occurs in the world of the living. Our thoughts, words and actions decide the future that will happen in the world of the living. Luasinwe (The Chosen One) shall be born but he is human and is subject the rules of being human – failure or success have been written in his destiny and the paths he chooses will determine whether he will succeed or fail. If he fails, the first prophecy will come to pass and if he succeeds, then the white wall will fall. The second of the two candidates understood this but the short man did not want to leave things to chance. After their founder died, the two men argued extensively on the right cause of action. The taller and more understanding man insisted that they wait patiently for Luasinwe’s birth but the short man argued that they cannot wait. They must act now. They must save the world. The disagreement split Ishfa Vayi (Observers of Time) into two groups. One led by the tall one who had faith that a savior will be born and the second was led by the short impatient man who wanted them to act now.
The short and impatient leader tried to get rid of the competition. Being more powerful, he attacked and killed the leader of the second group and many of his followers. The few followers of the second leader of the Ishfa Vayi scattered and went into hiding. The second, large and recognized group met with the Huluwaazis with a suggestion that will save the world.
The leader of the large group of Ishfa Vayis met the Huluwaazis. He explained to them that their founder had had a vision. He explained that they had tried to warn the Huluwaazis. The representatives of the Huluwaazis confirmed this. What the great seer perceived could end the world had happened. Now, the only solution they had was to use the Vuduwadu (Vudu’s cube). It was simple; go back in time and kill Kaazi Kiwakaazi II or do something, anything to stop him from creating a cursed forest.
It was surely a solution but one Quaazi Selasi was not interested in. He knew the full story about the Vuduwadu. The repercussions of tampering with time’s events can be catastrophic. It destroyed Vuduman (Vudu’s village) and it may destroy the world if they should try what the Ishfa Vayi was suggesting. But the Ishfa Vayi insisted that they have no idea how long the prison will hold. Perhaps the world will wake up tomorrow and the creatures of the forest would have escaped already.
“It could also take a thousand years. But we would have destroyed the world already and we wouldn’t know for sure,” argued Quaazi Selasi. Quaazi Selasi was very firm in his decision. He argued against the use of the Vuduwadu so much that at the end of the day, he convinced the other Huluwaazis. The Huluwaazis agreed not to use the Vuduwadu. They would find another way to get rid of the forest and whatever darkness it was housing. Next, the thousand warriors were sent and when they did not return, the Nomposuro Council was formed. But the Ishfa Vayi would not sit back and do nothing. They tried stealing the Vuduwadu from Quaazi Selasi’s palace.
To prevent them from laying hands on it, the Huluwaazis entrusted the cube of time to four trusted men; a scientist, an herbalist, a priest and a wise man. These men found a way of using the cube, an ancestor of Kodua or Odum, I am not sure, and one of the two rings to open a portal to another realm where they resided with the vuduwadu (cube of time) far away from the Ishfa Vayi (Observers of Time). The largest group of Ishfa Vayis changed their name to Vuduwadu society; a society dedicated to finding the cube of time and using it to save the world when the time comes.
After many years of searching, they finally found it. They knew exactly where to and how to open the portal but they needed Kodua’s ring and an ancestor of either Odum or Kodua. Later, I will tell you more about the troubles the Vuduwadu Society caused during the Saharaifa (Saharan Civilization). But for now, let us continue with Edua and his struggle with the nhutus.
Safihutu commanded lightning from the sky. Edua lifted the kafunde. The lightning struck the sword and while it travelled through it, Edua swung the kafunde. The blond and white-haired nhutus fell after being struck down by Safihutu’s lightning meant for Edua. It now came down to just her – Safihutu.
Safi landed on the ground and shouted, “Shikpon tsu!” (earth prison)! and Edua was surrounded by a wall of earth with a tiny opening. She pointed her right index finger and shot fire through the hole. Edua jumped through the wall and attacked Safi. She neither ran nor changed. Instead, she blocked Edua’s attack with an earth spear similar to the black-haired nhutu’s. Lightning quickly came from above. Edua disappeared before he got himself burnt.
He appeared sinking in sand. Lightning attacked him from above again and again he used the kafunde to stop and redirect it to Safi. Safi used her palm to stop and absorb the lightning. She shot fire balls at Edua and he deflected them with his kafunde. She commanded many ice crystals at him from the sky. They pierced many parts of Edua’s body and he was finally bleeding. Of course he was healing but he looked weakened. His head was lowered and he resigned himself to the sand that continued to drown him. Safi came closer and appeared floating a few centimeters above the sand. She pointed her right index finger towards Edua’s chest. An ice needle grew from her finger. It grew longer and longer until it was finally close to Edua’s chest – around where the ring had been tattooed.
Edua suddenly opened his eyes and moved his body so that the ice needle passed through it. Safi was also surprised. She did not anticipate such a move and before she could regain control over herself, Edua was behind her with his kafunde through her chest. She started bleeding through her mouth and her stone transformation begun.
After a short while of resting, Edua confronted the sabudu. It was an extremely difficult battle that almost killed Edua. It attacked Edua’s feet with its tail. He fell flat on the bridge. Next thing he knew, he saw the tail of the budu coming down on him. He touched the bridge, passed through it and fell into the water. The budu quickly attacked him. He had to fight off many tail attacks. He quickly raised the kafunde and leapt out of the river. He landed on the bank, coughed out some water and climbed the bridge once again. It was once again the tail. Only this time, it aimed for Edua’s mid-rib. He cut off the tail of the serpent. It fell on the bridge and changed into a red liquid that returned to its source.
Edua, realizing it was going to be impossible to cut off the two heads of the serpent simultaneously, released the mark of Uhurusa. It was still early stages and only two short marks appeared under his eyes. He took the battle to the serpent in the water and after many exchanges climbed out of the Gahan (red river) after it had turned colorless and rested on its bank — on the Nhutu side before continuing his journey to Adopedan (Nature’s beautiful forest).
Kun (the first dwarf) was the first he fought. Kun was very powerful. Not only was he able to use parts of plants as weapons but he also had an ability to create an entire forest. While fighting Edua, he created what he called the Blabla forest (forest of vines). These vines bound Edua’s body many times and made it very difficult for him to fight. Edua was once again trapped. His arms, feet and body had been caught by the vines. Kun opened his palm and six sharpened branches of trees were bound to attack Edua. Edua smiled; a suspicious smile. Kun turned and was quick to stop a golden sword from killing him from behind. He quickly turned to face Edua but was surprised to find Edua very close to him; close enough to drive the kafunde through his neck. Kun died and turned into a kafushii (stone mummy).
Edua entered kokrowa (the circle of eternity). He was overwhelmed by the number of insects that attacked. First were beautifully colored butterflies that had an ability to shoot some very corrosive liquid at Edua. The ants also attacked from within the circle. Edua was bound by a spider web and punched in the abdomen. He was floating backwards and collided into a bee sting. He was poisoned and died inside Kokrowa (the circle of eternity).
Edua of the Akati clan was one of few people to reach Kuntu (the second dwarf). He fought bravely and died a hero instead of a thief.
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.