The Legend Of Kiwakaazi by Nanak



The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1:  Resurrection — Glimpse of Oogu     Story Index >>

“All of you should be on guard. He will wake up anytime soon” instructed Afranto. “Anytime soon…!” “Did you not just kill him?” asked Safihutu in her delicately sweet voice. “I guess it is time I told you the entire story about Ishfa (Time), our father” said Afranto.

The blackness of the day did not pass. However, the occurrence of disasters had reduced. But this did not stop the panicking. Men were doing everything to find a safe haven during this unruly time. Reports came trickling in that the lands surrounding the Central Empire had been spared. In other words the area around Nomposuro (dark and evil forest) was the safest place. That did not make sense. But when it comes to matters of life and death, man will do anything to survive. Hearing this, people started journeying towards these lands.

Naa Lamle (Kiwakaazi’s mother) on the other hand was at Nuumo Tsuru’s residence. She demanded to see him but a young lady, the same person who helped Nuumo Tsuru transport Kiwakaazi to Nomposuro, did not allow her anywhere near Nuumo Tsuru’s door. He was weakened after the spell that put people to sleep and now that the world has turned dark, he was too busy praying for his strength to return and beseeching the gods to save man.

The pain in her chest would not leave. Where would she go? She commenced her trip back home looking glum and dejected when she heard some men discussing the end of the world. They were quite certain that the world will end very soon. Only one part of the world might survive. They mentioned Nomposuro and its surrounding lands to be this part of the world. “Nomposuro…? That’s it!” Naa Lamle exclaimed. “That’s what?” I asked.

Afranto started to tell the story about their father, Ishfa and Akaani (Nameless or Infinite One). The entire universe and everything in it came from Akaani. He alone existed before time. When He wanted to multiply, He first created seven sons — Lights that shone from within Him and manifested an aspect of His infinite greatness. His youngest son was Kilambe (beauty) and he was the most powerful and beautiful of all the seven sons of Akaani.

Of all the seven sons of Akaani, perhaps none loved Akaani like Kilambe. He admired his father so much that he wanted to become just like him. Knowing just how Merciful and Giving Akaani is, Kilambe prayed to his Father for many years and gaining his Father’s favor was giving the garu-rara (dark planes) to develop and rule. The lowest of the three lower planes is the physical or material plane. He continued to serve his father for even many more years and Akaani blessed him with the ability to create. He then created all the things that lived from the invisible living things to the most intelligent of them all, man.

After creating everything, he was happy and pleased. Unfortunately, his creation did not breathe or move or talk. He once again went into the service of his father for many years and Akaani (Nameless One) created his eighth son, Shosuma (Life, Soul or Spirit). Shosuma multiplied into an infinite number. By placing a Shosuma inside a body, that body had life. It breathed; it talked and it walked. Kilambe was very happy and looked upon his creation with pride and joy in his heart. But Akaani tricked Kilambe and that changed everything.

Kilambe wanted to become like his Father. Everything his Father created loved and worshipped Him always, and, that was exactly what Kilambe wanted. He wanted his creation to pray to him and praise him. He wanted his creation to love only him (Kilambe) and worship only him. Unfortunately, the Shosuma loved Akaani. They prayed to Akaani and worshipped Akaani with all their hearts. They completely ignored Kilambe.  

Kilambe was heartbroken. He became disappointed and sad. He thought that he will go to Alaami and question his father. “Why has he been tricked?” On his way, he was stopped by his older brother, Akaawe (Power) whom banished him from Alaami (Home of Eternal Peace), supposedly following Akaani’s orders.

Kilambe was accused of allowing himself to be filled with unhealthy desires. They called him angry, lustful, greedy and egotistic. His only crime was his dream – a simple dream to be loved and adored as much as he loved and adored his father. Kilambe grew powerful and gigantic with the passing of time. So the gate to Alaami was made narrow so that Kilambe could not pass through it. The pain of separation from his Father was great. He prayed and cried for forgiveness but his Father did not respond. The pain became so unbearable that, Kilambe decided to make his Father comprehend a little of what he was going through. He created beings and named them ruhas (gods) and ruhushis (goddesses) and assigned them all various tasks – tasks that will help keep the Shosuma (Life) under his control. Akaani’s special Shosuma will forget Akaani and He will understand what it means to wait for someone you love and for that person to never come.

After being banished, Kilambe’s name was changed to Ishfa (Time or change or the trickster). He is the ruler of the three lower realms and stops the Shosuma from reaching Alaami by influencing their yudu (minds). By creating desires and even more desires, the minds of men does not conceive for a second where they come from or where they will go to when they die. In their pursuit for worldly comforts and earthly gratifications, they forgot that they are Shosuma (Minature Akaanis) and their original home is Alaami (Home of Eternal Peace). For once, everything was going according to planned until Dzani (The Destroyer according to Afranto) was sent by Akaani to Ishfa’s realm.

Every living thing has a body and a mind. The mind is the seat of Ishfa. He influences and tricks the Shosuma through the mind. Dzani came into the world with a body and a mind. In the world, they called him Anambre. He was mortal and lived like an ordinary man. Ishfa played many tricks on him but he withstood and passed them all. He tried several times and in several ways and failed. Eventually, he decided to find out Anambre’s secret. That secret was Oogu (The cause of creation).

Oogu is the Zeroth son of Akaani. Only Oogu existed with Akaani from the very beginning. Oogu created, Oogu sustains and only Oogu can destroy. Without Oogu, the Shosuma can never break Ishfa’s traps. So Dzani came and taught men this secret. This started the Great War between Dzani and Ishfa; the battle between good and evil; the conflict between the Gyaatis (messengers) and the ruhas (gods).

While Afranto told her story Kiwakaazi’s body was bathing in light. So bright was this light that Afranto and her “children” including Deila had to shield their eyes. It was like standing very close to the sun minus the heat. The light lifted and carried Kiwakaazi’s body some few centimeters above the ground. His kafunde rose from the ground towards his left palm. The instant it touched his palm, he grabbed it. His eyes were closed all this while. Suddenly, he opened them and even his eyes were blank; just white as if he had no pupils.

His appearance begun to change; first, his black afro hair became golden and a ring of blue light surrounded his head. The light around his body assumed the shape of a long robe. His kafunde was tattooed on his chest in red and the weapon itself was glowing like his body. He suspended about a meter in the air while his body transformed and once it was over, the light helped him back on his feet. As soon as he landed on his feet, Afranto shouted, “Close your eyes!” A small circle of light surrounded him and widened until it touched everything in Nomposuro. He moved his head from left to right as if he was looking for something.

Afranto stepped forward and said, “Do not attack him recklessly.” But Arangosango Shinko was too proud and too stubborn. He disappeared. Afranto shouted, “Wait!” Aran appeared in front of Kiwakaazi. He was frozen with his sikan dompesan above his head ready to strike down Kiwakaazi. Kiwakaazi’s right palm was firmly holding his forehead. Aran was surprised. The weak boy he fought not long ago had grown powerful; as powerful as Afranto and immobilized him with just a touch of his palm.

His wife, Safihutu, probably did not want her husband to die. Her eyes became green and widened. She raised her right arm. Afranto saw her and shouted again, “I said wait!” but it was too late. She lowered her arm commanding lightning from the sky to strike down Kiwakaazi. He lifted his kafunde (demon mummifier). The lightning struck the weapon and only brightened the weapon. Nothing happened to Kiwakaazi. Kiwakaazi pointed the kafunde at Safihutu standing on the right of Afranto.  Afranto immediately disappeared. She snatched Aran from Kiwakaazi and moved Safihutu out of the way; the way of the lightning that was returned to her from Kiwakaazi’s kafunde. If I didn’t know better, I would say she was faster than light itself. I wonder if that is even possible. Kiwakaazi simply stood there looking at his opponents one after the other; waiting for the one so brave and yet so foolish to attack him in this powerful state.

Afranto told her “children” to calm down. He is powerful and will kill them in a flash if they should attack him recklessly. Papa dwarf asked, “So how do we defeat him?” “We can’t; at least not now,” answered Afranto. “What do you mean by that?” demanded Aran Shinko.

“The power of Oogu (cause of creation) is beyond comprehension. With the light of Oogu surrounding him, we will lose. But Oogu is too powerful even for his body. If he should wear that light robe for too long, he will die. Our only chance is to avoid being caught by him until the robe disappears. He will return to a mere mortal and will once again be vulnerable. I say in not more than five minute’s time,” said the goddess in charge of the senses. Afranto turned to face Deila. 

“Attack her (pointing at Deila) and you will distract him until the five minutes time has elapses,” added Afranto. All eyes were now on Deila. Sorry girl, but you are going to die. Papa dwarf opened his palm. Safihutu opened both her palms. In her right palm was fire and in her left was air. Aran disappeared. All these happened simultaneously.

Deila suspended and was moving towards Papa dwarf. Aran suddenly appeared before her already swinging his dompesan (bone sword) to spill her guts. However, Aran missed. No, he never does! Someone or something saved her. Aran moved his head around and noticed she was already in Kiwakaazi’s arms. “His speed is frightening,” thought Aran.

Kiwakaazi and Deila were already surrounded by moving air which was probably pure oxygen. Fire at perhaps the highest temperature possible was shot by Safihutu. The oxygen-fire combination created an enormous fire emanating heat so great that the rest of the kranjus could feel this high temperature at about more than six meters away from Kiwakaazi and Deila. It should have burnt them to crisps but instead light shone at the center of the fire and consumed it all. Afranto quickly disappeared, grabbed Papa dwarf and disappeared once again with him before he was burnt to crisps by fire that suddenly gushed out from the soil where he stood; fire at perhaps the same temperature as the one Safihutu used.

Papa dwarf also changed his appearance and once again looked like Kiwakaazi; the same form he used when they first fought. He opened his palm and this time Deila was flying backwards. Kiwakaazi appeared behind her and stopped her movement. Suddenly, Aran appeared in front of her again with his weapon swung to spill her guts. Aran missed again and all he did was slice air.

Afranto thought, “Just what I expected. He has awakened the power of Oogu but he has not surrendered to it. Instead of surrendering, he is trying to control the power. Foolish humans! They have no idea what they are capable of!”

Afranto was right about how long it would take Kiwakaazi to use the power of Oogu. The five minutes was almost up and his robe made of light disappeared first. His hair was still golden, the tattoo of the kafunde remained intact and the blue ring around his head was ever present. His eyes changed and his dark pupils returned. He was panting. He looked around his body and said, “That did not last for as long as I expected.” Then, they too disappeared and he was a mere mortal once again.

Aran stepped forward and asked, “Can we attack him now?” “Yes!” answered Afranto. Papa dwarf, Arangosango and Safihutu all turned their attentions to Kiwakaazi. Deila looked at Kiwakaazi with worry in her eyes. Kiwakaazi was still breathing heavily and said, “Bring it! I am ready.”

Holding his kafunde, he was changed into a rahasi (guardian of hell). Both Kiwakaazi and Aran took steps; Aran with his right foot and Kiwakaazi with his left and both men simply vanished.

Deila was terrified. However, Kaki had been separated from her. All she could do was whisper the words, “Please be careful.”


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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.