The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Deila continued to drag Kiwakaazi towards the river of cleansing. She did not turn to look at the distance between herself and the river. It might demoralize her. She focused on the hour glass and could virtually see the single grains of sand drop. Towards the edge, she tripped over a small rock, let go of Kiwakaazi’s arm and fell into the lake. The lake was deeper than she expected. She swam out and wore a dismayed look. The upper half of the hour glass was completely empty and Kiwakaazi’s body was still outside the walanuntso (lake of cleansing). She feared she had failed but would not just quit. Kiwakaazi’s body was almost perpendicular to the lake. She first turned him so that his body was almost parallel with the lake before rolling him into it.
She knelt at the bank of the lake and watched Kiwakaazi sink. He disappeared and remained submerged for about a minute and thirty seconds. She was now worried. Maybe she was too late. A few tears run down her cheeks. She was about to take off her clothes and dive into the lake when something just popped out of the lake. It was Kiwakaazi’s lifeless body. Nothing had changed. His eyes were still shut. More tears run down her beautiful face. She had failed indeed. She burst into tears and cried out loudly.
Feitu’s face turned red. ‘What the hell was he doing?’ he questioned. He quickly turned and apologized. He was exiting the princess’s room when she spoke. She had already wrapped a white cloth around her body from chest to knees. “You are the Kaaziwe (crowned prince) of this land. Everything belongs to you. I am sorry for embarrassing you. How may I help you, son of the eagle?” requested Princess Ailla gently. The young Kaaziwe Feitu turned and felt at peace already. Of course seeing another naked body, this time at such close range aroused him even more. But her words somehow calmed him down. He faced her again and sighed.
He started by apologizing once again for barging in the way he did before narrating his story about how his love for painting drove him to Muluashi. He explained how what he saw in Muluashi changed him. Now, when he looks at a girl, his mind quickly undresses her and the desire to touch and do unimaginable things to the body tortures him. Princess Ailla looked at her cloth and started pulling it down. She was afraid the upper part of her thighs may be exposed to this pervert. He tries, Akaani (The Nameless One) knows he tries but these thoughts are too powerful and overwhelming. He is the son of Kaazi Kiwakaazi (the first) and must uphold a certain moral code. One of these codes was celibacy until marriage. He was scared he might do something bad before that day comes.
Can you believe it! Feitu could not tell his father about this problem. He could not open up to his mother. Not to even his best friend Duba. But here he was spilling his guts out to a complete stranger. Okay, she was not exactly a complete stranger. But prior to this conversation, Feitu and Ailla have probably exchanged just about three words. So she was pretty much a stranger to him. After his long story, she sat on her bed. The beautiful princess held her chin in hand and rubbed it gently with her tiny fingers. Feitu was still standing and admiring Princess Ailla. He thought, “Was she always this beautiful? Duba is very lucky to be marrying this one.”
Ailla and Duba were betrothed at a very young age. This made her a no-go area for most men. And Feitu whom was an upright man barely looked at her. She turned to him and exclaimed excitedly, “I have the answer!”
Deila felt weaker than before. She had worked so hard to save him and for what. He is dead. She could not repay her debt. She painfully entered the river and brought his body with her to the bank of the river. For a while she sat by his lifeless body and cried. She had to leave him. It was time to say goodbye. But you know that goodbye is better said with a kiss. She lowered her body and pressed her lips against his. Kiwakaazi’s lips were still warm. She ignored it thinking it must be her mind trying to convince her he was still alive. She was still kissing him when she felt a presence behind her. She stopped and quickly turned to see who or what was happening behind her.
“The answer is love,” suggested Princess Ailla. “Love… how is that going to help him?” he asked. She tapped the right side of her bed and Feitu moved quickly to sit next to her. She answered, “It is normal for a man to struggle with his basic instinct. But those who find and fall in love — true love, need to think only about their beloved and their minds will find peace. She would complete and cure you forever.”
Feitu did not really understand her but saw some sense in it. He had always wondered how his father withstood the temptations from the many women who tried to have a piece of that fine man. His mother was the answer. He knows his father loves his mother very much and would rather die than to do anything to disappoint her. He needs love in his life. Princess Ailla was proving to be a real life saver.
Deila suddenly woke up. She was lying prostrate. She lifted her head and saw Kiwakaazi was gone. She sat up and turned to the lake. That was when she saw his big head covered with long black hair just push up to the surface of the water. He splashed water and shouted with excitement. He was alive. ‘How did this happen?’ wondered poor Deila.
Deila slapped her self. She told herself to wake up. “So it is not a dream,” she whispered. Kiwakaazi shouted, “Are you going to join me or what! This water is fantastic… more fantastic than the one inside Nhutudan! Jump in and feel the power!” ‘It seems almost dying has changed his personality,’ she thought. But hey, she loved to swim and will not let this great opportunity pass her by. She took off her clothes, shouted and jumped into the lake. She submerged completely and while under the water, she saw everything that happened; why she passed out and how Kiwakaazi was saved.
Feitu now had the answer he wanted. The beautiful Princess Ailla had solved his dilemma. It was getting late. Feitu leaned forward and gave Princess Ailla a kiss on her right cheek. The princess felt his breath on her face and he smelled the princess at a very close range. She smelled like… this again. I really need help describing how people smell. She smelled great by the way. Yes, I got it — like jasmine! He thanked her and walked out of her room into his.
The first thing that greeted the Prince Feitu in his room was Princess Ailla’s scent which was odd. He sniffed around. Her smell was really strong and lingering. He thought he had brought it into his room from her room. He quickly entered his bathroom and pushed a lever. A bucket was filled with water which he used for his bath. He walked out of his bath feeling fresh and sniffed his room again. It still smelled like the princess. Prince Feitu eventually ignored this powerful scent and just went to bed. But perhaps he shouldn’t have.
Meanwhile, Princess Ailla felt very good about herself. She just helped the Crown Prince of Nananompofie (Central Empire) and had been at the receiving ending of a simple kiss on the cheek. She was resting in her bed and slowly rubbing her right cheek with a beautiful smile on her face. She had one of those cute dimples that were closer to chin than to the cheeks. She replayed the kiss in her mind and slept thinking about the kiss.
When Deila turned, she saw an elderly woman. She recognized her immediately. It was Jenak’s mother; Empress Dedeli. She walked to Deila and said, “Thank you for saving him.” Deila was confused. Empress Dedeli died over five hundred years ago. How did she end up in Nomposuro? And besides, she was late. She failed to submerge his body on time. She did not get the chance to ask questions. Kaaziba (Empress) Dedeli commanded, “Rest dear,” and that was when every part of her body went numb only her eyes remained opened. She saw Kaaziba Dedeli kissing Kiwakaazi on the forehead and staring at him like how a mother would stare at her beloved son. After the long kiss on his forehead, she said, “I have restored his lost energy. He would be fine. Keep an eye on him please,” before she faded away.
People are always talking about pre-marital jitters and maybe they do exist. Princess Ailla, however, did not experience this. It was only two days to her wedding and she was fine — actually she was excited. She had known this day would come for as long as she could remember. But after talking to Prince Feitu and receiving a simple kiss on the cheek from him, she suddenly knew what most people go through before marriage. She had three dreams that night. In a first dream, she woke up just so that she would not kiss Kaaziwe Feitu on the lips after the discussion they had. She however just ignored it. “Relax Ailla, it was just a dream,” she told herself. She slept and had her second dream. This time, she was kneeling and staring into the eyes of the man she was supposedly getting married to and this man was not Prince Duba but Prince Feitu. She was now a little worried but not as worried as when she had a dream lying in bed and kissing a man. When she pulled back, the man was once again Prince Feitu. She stayed up all night afraid of what dream she may have next about the crowned Prince.
Meanwhile, Prince Feitu had his fair share of unexpected dreams. In his dream, he had a woman in his bed too. The woman’s head and face was on his right chest. The woman moved her soft right palm all over his stomach and chest. He kissed and smelled her hair and recognized the smell. It smelled exactly like Princess Ailla. He touched her chin and moved her head. He needed to see the face of this woman to be sure. And he confirmed it. Princess Ailla asked, “What is it, my love?” He jumped out of his bed and asked “what are you doing here?” Princess Ailla also looked surprised. She asked, “What do you mean by that? I am your wife.” Prince Feitu opened his eyes before he suffered a heart attack in his dream. He sighed and whispered “it was just a dream.” It was already morning so he tossed his bed sheets to his side and climbed out of bed.
Prince Feitu stepped out of his room and turned to his right. Standing and also stepping out was Princess Ailla. The two new best friends just stared at each other not really sure of what to say. It was awkward. Princess Ailla with a shaky voice greeted, “Good morning Kaaziwe.” Prince Feitu responded, “Good morning,” also with a nervous tone. Prince Feitu said, “Um… um… are you going downstairs?” Princess Ailla answered, “Yes, do you want to come with me?” Prince Feitu said, “No, I think I left something inside. I will just go and pick it up and join you later.” The Princess answered, “Fine. See you later, then.” She hurried down the stairs while the crowned Prince of Nananompofie watched her back. He admired her back so much he just wanted to watch it for the rest of his life. She stopped, turned and smiled. He smiled back but felt discomfort in his gut. Prince Feitu quickly opened his door and locked it behind him. He pressed his back against his door and asked, “What is wrong with me?”
Deila opened her eyes. She had been under water for way too long and was already out of air. She moved her arms and feet, and, pushed her body to the surface of the lake. She took in a deep breath and exhaled. She continued to take in quick successive breaths while she looked around for Kiwakaazi. She found him and started her breast strokes towards him.
When Deila got close to Kiwakaazi, he frowned and asked, “Why can’t you just keep your clothes on when you swim?” She also frowned and responded by asking, “Does my naked body make you feel uncomfortable?” He smiled, swam away from her and yelled, “You wish!” She also smiled and swam towards him. Seeing her approach him, he swam further away from her and shouted, “Don’t come close to me, you she-pervert!”
On that day, Prince Feitu and Princess Ailla avoided each other. No! They couldn’t. Of course they did not talk but it was so difficult to look at anything else when one of them was around. One time, a servant wanted to ask the Princess a question but she was not only starring but caught up in her own imaginations about Prince Feitu. She did not hear the question and the servant had to shout at her.
Feitu was going through a similar situation. All he wanted was to get out of the palace; to stay away until the wedding was over. And he thought the gods had answered his prayers when his best friend and groom Prince Duba needed a favor. So, Prince Duba was like, “I have to run an urgent errand out of the city. Can you please…?” Prince Feitu answered, “Yes! I would!” Prince Duba smiled and said, “Thank you. I need you to rehearse tomorrows wedding with Ailla. Can you?”
Feitu’s jaw was about to drop. He could not believe it! That was not what he had in mind. He said, “Um….”
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.