The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Kaaziba Dedeli opened her eyes. She was lying on a fast running horse on her stomach. She turned left and saw one of her bodyguards, Ekuela — a young man in his early twenties ridding Kaazi Kiwakaazi II’s white horse as fast as he could. Ekuela remarked, “You are finally awake, your majesty. I think a storm is coming.” The clouds were dark and the sound of thunder followed the flashes of lightning in the dark sky. Truly a storm was coming.
Ekuela was the son of Fukuela and Fukuela was one of the most loyal friends Kiwakaazi II could have asked for in his life time. Before Arangosango joined the Asoglis (wanderers), Fukuela was the recognized second in command of the Asoglis led by Kiwakaazi II. Aran joined and took this away from him and still Fukuela remained loyal to Kiwakaazi II. After Aran’s departure, Fukuela returned to being Kaazi Kiwakaazi II’s second in command. He was also the Kaazi’s only bodyguard when he travelled around the world to help mend broken relationships with the rest of the world and announce the resurrection of Nananompofie (Central Empire).
Kiwakaazi II unfortunately had many enemies. Rich people in the West who had invested precious gold and time to see the synthesis of a drug that will prolong life from chemicals isolated from the bloods of Asoglis lost their investments because of Kiwakaazi II’s meddling. They wanted him dead. Priests, wise men and herbalists who thought the teachings of Kaazi Kiwakaazi II were false and stood against the gods they knew, loved and worshipped also wanted him dead to stop polluting the world. And old acquaintances from when he was young and a thief also probably wanted him punished.
While returning from a trip to the north, Kaazi Kiwakaazi II and his bodyguard Fukuela were attacked. Not less than a fifty men ambushed and attacked them. The two of them defeated their attackers but Fukuela was injured during the fight. Kaazi Kiwakaazi II returned him home but Fukuela did not live long. He died living his only child, Ekuela to his best friend, Kiwakaazi II. Kaazi Kiwakaazi II took Fukuela’s son and wife under his wings and provided for their every need. Fukuela’s son, Ekuela was almost like a son to Kiwakaazi. Kaazi Kiwakaazi II treated Ekuela so well that Jenak was sometimes jealous of Ekuela.
All Ekuela wanted to do was to protect his adopted father. Ekuela trained very hard. At age fifteen, he tamed the dark weapon, the sikan nufanum (five-edged sword) becoming the youngest person to tame it. When he turned twenty-one, he became the wielder of the sikan nufanum and a bodyguard of Kaazi Kiwakaazi II and his wife — accompanying them on all trips outside the Central Empire.
Ekuela said, “Your majesty, sorry for this.” Kaaziba Dedeli remarked, “Don’t worry Ekuela, but how come you are awake?” Ekuela narrated, “Before we travelled to Nyansapofie, I suddenly fell ill. I am the Kaazi’s most trusted soldier. I am the wielder of the sikan nufanum (the five edged sword also known as the kafunde in Nomposuro). I was shaking in bed praying for his forgiveness. I was not going to make the trip. I heard knocking on my door. I tried to ignore it but the knock was persistent. I got out of bed and the guest was one I did not expect. It was Kaazi Kiwakaazi II himself. He explained that he heard I was not well and only brought some mangoes he wanted us to enjoy together. He washed the mangoes and offered them to me. He sat with me and ate only two of the five mangoes he brought forcing me to eat the remaining three. After we ate the mangoes, he asked me to rest and asked permission to leave. I recovered about an hour after his departure — a full recovery. I knew he needed me on this trip.”
Ekuela continued, “After we were given the shots, he visited me in a dream and instructed me to save you (Kaaziba Dedeli). He ordered me to return you home. He said to tell you that he loves you, and only you can save them, and then he disappeared.” Kaaziba Dedeli was in tears. She said, “I am going ahead of you, Ekuela.” Ekuela inquired, “But how?” She was gone. She vanished even before Ekuela asked his question. “I guess something very serious is happening back home.” Ekuela reached for a sword strapped at his back and the instant he touched it, he too vanished.
In Quaazi Selasi’s palace, Quaazi Selasi sat on his throne. A big throne covered with the skin of a leopard. He looked angry. He looked sad. He looked confused. He knew Kaazi Kiwakaazi II very well. They had been friends since Kiwakaazi II became Kaazi of Nananompofie (Central Empire) — about twenty years. He was the most non-violent person he knew. So why will Kiwakaazi II kill his son? It did not make sense, but there was no one else to blame. All the evidence pointed to Kaazi Kiwakaazi II. He was thinking. Quaazi Selasi was trying to make sense of what had happened in just a short time when a man walked in. He was the one in charge of security in Quaazi Selasi’s palace. “I apologize for the intrusion, your majesty, but something has happened,” said the man. “What is it, Kobie?” “Kaaziba Dedeli and one of the bodyguards of Kaazi Kiwakaazi II, the wielder of the sikan nufanum, have escaped,” answered Kobie.
Quaazi Selasi clinched his jaws and spoke softly, “Get me the doctor.” The doctor was brought in. He looked confused and scared. Quaazi Selasi started calmly and slowly his enquiry. “You promised me your drugs will keep them numb for as long as you desire. The effect will only be reversed if you inject the counter agent. So explain to me how two of them managed to escape?!” Quaazi Selasi’s enquiry ended angrily. The doctor was perplexed. He shook when he whimpered his answer. “I don’t know how your highness. What you are saying is impossible!”
Quaazi Selasi, the doctor, and his chief of security visited the cells where Kiwakaazi II and the remaining guards were resting. They looked motionless. Quaazi Selasi was more confused now than ever. Why would the drug not affect only two people? Now I am sure you are wondering why he had a doctor inject Kaazi Kiwakaazi II and his entourage with sedatives in the first place. The answer was simple. He had heard the rumors about Kaazi Kiwakaazi II. They say he is a powerful magician that people called “a Gyaati (messenger)” and he was hoping that injecting him with something powerful enough to dull his senses would make him powerless. But that did not work. He probably should have secured the services of a man whom possessed power — a wizard or warlock like Kiwakaazi II himself.
Quaazi Selasi turned to his bodyguard and issued out some orders. First he said, “Send some people after them. They should take the fastest vehicles and the best weapons and pursue them. Then, summon Sakora and his team.”
A few minutes later, Kobie returned with some more bad news. The bad news was that their vehicles can’t move. The engines are failing to start. Quaazi Selasi was now feeling the frustration. He did not believe. He never wanted to believe it. There is magic, sorcery in this world, and it was at work. It is trying to stop him from achieving his goal of destroying everything Kaazi Kiwakaazi II loves. Quaazi Selasi issued out further instructions. “Contact Nene Odoi. Tell him to prepare for war. He should move his troops closer to the border. He should also investigate any suspicious occurrences in Nananompofie.”
Kobie returned after about ten minutes with news that a great storm was about to hit Nananompofie (Central Empire) and its environs and communications are down. They will have to send someone to Nsatia with this message. Quaazi Selasi was now convinced — the supernatural was involved but he wouldn’t be deterred. He ordered for the message to be sent and asked, “What about Sakora and his team?”
Sakora and his team reported. The best extraction team of the Western Empire consisted of five men — Sakora included. Kidnapping, theft and recovery was their specialty. Once they have a target, they get it out without being noticed or leading anything back to the Western Empire. They knelt in front of Quaazi Selasi for orders. Quaazi Selasi ordered, “Get me four things from the Central Empire. The two daughters of Kaazi Kiwakaazi II, his son, and his wife.” “It is done, your majesty,” answered Sakora before he and his men rose to their feet and left for the Central Empire.
Back in the Central Empire, a white and yellow streak of light was on the move. A woman was looking up. Pouncing on her was a shinko. She closed her eyes and prayed, “Forgive me and welcome me in your home.” Instead, she found herself standing in a village in the Northern Empire. She did not remember how she got there or what was happening back in Nananompofie. A two or three year old boy was sitting on a mat and crying. Flying above this boy was a huge butterfly. The butterfly released a slimy colorless liquid. The streak of yellow and white light snatched and disappeared with the boy before the colorless liquid could dissolve the boy. The streak of light moved on — there were more people who needed saving and were saved one after the other.
Ekuela arrived. He was stunned. ‘What is happening here?’ wondered Ekuela. But there was no time to stand idle. He too started doing whatever he could to save the few survivors of this great attack on their home. He faced a huge lion and a huge tiger. He killed them both and they doubled. He was going to kill them again when the streak of light appeared next to him. He was surprised when he saw the face of Kaazi Kiwakaazi II in the light. The man was supposed to be lying still in a cell in Nyansapofie, and here he was saving people. Kaazi Kiwakaazi II spoke. He said, “Don’t waste time on these creatures. It is time for me to return to my body. Save my daughters and get them out of here.” Ekuela was very touched to see the man he calls father; so touched his eyes welled up. He answered, “Yes faather!” and disappeared.
When Jenak turned, he saw Afranto. He frowned and Afranto asked, “What is it?” Jenak answered, “A barrier — they have erected a barrier. Our plan is ruined.” Afranto advised, “Then let’s fall back for now.” Jenak shouted, “No! It’s too late. We can’t return. I will fight for father until the very end. For now, we have to kill the girls. We have to kill his daughters.” “I am on it,” said Afranto, while she scattered into many white butterflies.
Jenak smiled and said, “So you came,” before he turned his head to his left.
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2024 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.