The Legend Of Kiwakaazi by Nanak



The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 40:  A Mouthwatering Proposal     Story Index >>

The western empire was the richest. With their vast wealth, they always feared their neighbors would be jealous and attack them. They had spies in the remaining three empires. They also had scientists working for them in secret in these empires. These scientists were natives of the respective empires; trained by the western empire to serve their interest in their homes.

Scientists in the Northern Empire; in the village of Agra inside the kingdom of Rabataka discovered in large quantities a black liquid in the earth. They examined the liquid and submitted a report to Quaazi Deladem. The liquid according to these scientists could be very useful as an energy resource. It could also be used as raw material in the manufacture of many useful materials. The west must lay hands on this liquid and exploit it for its benefit and maybe for the entire world.

Quaazi Deladem submitted a mouthwatering proposal to Muaazi (Emperor) Hadari of the North. He wanted his scientist to conduct experiments in Agra. He had credible Intel that Agra had been blessed with something rare and precious. Whatever this is, they will share the benefits equally. Quaazi Deladem was ready to give Muaazi Hadari lands, estates and shares in huge corporations in his empire if he will agree to this proposal.

But Muaazi Hadari was no different from Jaazi Sadaaku and turned down this proposal. He claimed he discussed the proposal with his Amir (Kings) and Sheik (chiefs) and they did not want any part of the dark magic the westerners called science. It always comes with a price — a very high price.

Quaazi Deladem like his predecessors would do anything to get what he wanted. He called Obenfo Molade and handed him Project Ife. Project Ife was the code name Quaazi Ziga gave the first project. He named it after his beautiful daughter, Ife whose death was his inspiration. Quaazi Ziga loved his daughter and if he had been asked to destroy the entire world just to save his daughter, he would have destroyed the world. Jaazi Sadaaku loved his people and would sacrifice trees if it was the only way to save them from pain and death.

A day before Obenfo Molade was summoned before Quaazi Deladem, he chanced upon the formula. It happened after his argument with his son. He went into Kiwakaazi’s old room in his house wondering how it happened. How the son he loved very much grew up so quickly. While going through Kiwakaazi’s old stuff; while reminiscing about the good old days he had with his son, he found a folder with the word “Tumushie” on it. This folder spelled out in details reagents, equations, conditions of temperature and pressure, catalysts, reaction mechanisms and possible products. The major product of this process had later been described in the folder as a pain inducing product detailing some pharmacodynamics of the product. It was brilliant and cruel. But it was the answer Quaazi Deladem needed. All that was required was a cure before the chemical is tested.

On the next magical and blank A4 sheet, Kiwakaazi saw the following:

Obenfo Molade explained: “I have chanced upon Kiwakaazi’s pain-inducing formula. We have been working together to find a cure to the symptoms and very soon it will be ready. Do you understand?”

The three men nodded but did not understand. “How does this help our cause?” asked Draco Kalala. “They are going to release this drug and infect villages and kingdoms. The people of Tumushie will be the first to be infected and then it will slowly spread to other villages. Eventually, the drug will find its way into the royal palace. Quaazi Deladem will also be infected. They will blame this attack on terrorism. The mastermind and leader of this terrorist attack will be…

“No!” exclaimed Kiwakaazi. “This is all a lie. My father was never a member of a secret society. My father will never do this!” The next A4 sheet revealed why Obenfo Molade joined a secret society and why he did it:

It all started on the day Kiwakaazi was born. On that same day when Kiwakaazi arrived in Tumushie, a storm hit the village. Buildings were destroyed. Crops were destroyed and a few lives were lost. It was true that the westerners tried very hard to find the logical reason behind events but sometimes all you need is someone to blame. Some of the people of Tumushie immediately started pointing accusing fingers at Kiwakaazi.

More people started believing that Kiwakaazi was a demon when on the day he became a year old, the market of Tumushie was burnt down. The market was old and perhaps the only tourist attraction site in Tumushie. A few of the elderly in Tumushie discussed the issue with the chief. The chief argued that it was an electrical fault but the people of Tumushie believed it was Kiwakaazi. Why did it happen specifically on his birthday? They could not convince the chief.

Two days before Kiwakaazi celebrated his second year on earth, a delegation from Tumushie consulted a powerful man in the North. The man drew conclusions from how bones were arranged after he had shouted some words and spread them on the ground. He studied the pattern of his bones on the ground and said “yes, you may be right. There is a very powerful child in your village but I don’t think he is evil.” The delegation however returned to Tumushie and told their chief that they had consulted with a soothsayer and he says Kiwakaazi is evil.

The chief asked them to invite the soothsayer to his palace. The delegation returned to the man’s village on the day of Kiwakaazi’s birthday and received shocking news. The soothsayer died that morning after complaining of a mild headache. It was another misfortune on Kiwakaazi’s birthday. This was no coincidence. It was the work of something sinister. It was the work of the demon child, Kiwakaazi.  The chief of Tumushie summoned Obenfo Molade to his palace. He explained that ever since Kiwakaazi was adopted by Obenfo Molade strange things have been happening. On the day of his arrival Tumushie almost perished from a storm. On the day he celebrated his first anniversary on earth, the town market was burned down and now a soothsayer in the north who promised to give answers has died on Kiwakaazi’s birthday. It was no coincidence. Obenfo Molade must get rid of the boy.

Obenfo Molade could not believe his ears. The people of Tumushie actually think that his son was responsible for the bad things. That was simply preposterous. He argued that life is made up of the good and the bad. Good things can happen on a Monday and on a Monday, bad things can happen. That neither makes Monday a good day nor a bad day. It is just how life is. His son was innocent. He had brought joy into his home and family and he would rather die than let anything bad happen to him. He left the chief’s palace in a hurry to join his wife for the celebration of their precious son’s birthday.

The chief asked his elders and a few people who were around, “How do we deal with this situation?” One elder answered “if Molade will not get rid of the boy, then we will get rid of Molade. We will drive him out of Tumushie.”  

The harsh treatment on Obenfo Molade and his family commenced. The children bullied Kiwakaazi. Their parents frowned when they saw him. But they did not stop there. Naa Lamle owned a bakery. The people of Tumushie stopped buying from her. Obenfo Molade headed CREBIHEM in Tumushie and had a private practice. He used the knowledge he possessed to cure the people of Tumushie. All his clients moved away to his rival and assistant at CREBIHEM.

To save his family, Obenfo Molade joined a small group of people. Their mission will be to ensure Prince Kuame becomes Quaazi (Emperor) of Nibooman (Western Empire) and in exchange, Prince Kuame will pave the way for success and wealth. Prince Kuame did his part early for Obenfo Molade. He pulled strings and Obenfo Molade rose from head of CREBIHEM in Tumushie to Director of CREBIHEM. He earned more as Director of CREBIHEM. He relocated his family and was more respected in Nyansapofie (City of Intelligence). Obenfo Molade’s suggestion was simply his way of paying a debt he owed to Prince Kuame.

“Do you now understand? The person who engineered your banishment is the person you love very much in this world. You lovingly called him ‘Papa.’ You thought he loved you too but he lied to you and wanted you dead. It is useless to sacrifice yourself for man. You want to redeem yourself; to right the wrong but it was never your fault to begin with. So why don’t you give up on this fool’s errand already? You can go back home. We know a way out. You will have all the wealth you need. You will have all the beautiful women in this world to keep you company. And if it is revenge you want, we will help you get that also. All you have to do is to come with us and leave Nomposuro now,” explained Shutu.  

Mayale added her voice. “Or we can take it all away. We will reset time. Your father will still be alive and this problem you are desperately trying to fix will not exist. Your mother will not be home worried sick about you now and you will not have to sacrifice neither your life nor Deila’s. Yes, you heard right Kiwakaazi. Nompotse is too strong and you will lose to him.”

Finally Abra spoke: “So which of the two paths do you choose? Will you continue your journey in this haunted forest or will you save yourself and your love?” asked the ruha of anger.

Kiwakaazi lowered his head. He did not know what to do — which path to choose?

Anambre just finished showing Kiwakaazi the life of the last man, Kiwakaazi II and his son Jenak who allowed himself to be ruled by pride. He turned to Kiwakaazi and asked, “Do you understand everything?” Kiwakaazi nodded in agreement.

Sukye finally found a girl he liked. He wanted a second chance with her. He died and reincarnated as Zakaru. As Zakaru he achieved a great deal in life. He could have achieved even more but for love his great life had to come to an end. Later, Zakaru Sidiata (the immortal) reincarnated as Feitu. The words “knock and ye shall be opened, seek and ye shall find” might be very true. His third time of asking as Feitu found him love in the arms of Ailla. Unfortunately, Feitu’s appetite for love was too big. He cannot be blamed. He had been searching for love for too long. He died not content with the short time he spent with love, Ailla. He reincarnated as Jenak and expected his forth love spell to last longer. But what would have been the greatest love story yet was cut short.

Jenak is responsible for the creation of Nomposuro. He wanted to save the woman he loved and came into contact with Yezar (pride). He was influenced and summoned a host of supernatural beings into the world. They would have caused pain in the world and used the pain to manipulate the hearts of men. They would have driven men away from the Gyaatis and away from Akaani. Jenak’s mother Tinle Dedeli arrived early enough to seal the Kranjus in a pseudo-spiritual realm on earth; Nomposuro. She sacrificed herself for her son and the world.

“Only the creator can undo his creation. This is a law of the universe,” said Anambre. “Kiwakaazi, you are the reincarnation of Jenak. You created Nomposuro and only you can destroy it. It has been almost five centuries. The power of the seal has weakened. Very soon, the kranjus will be released from their prison. They will wreak havoc on the world as earlier planned with or without a Gyaati. They will destroy many lives because they are angry and can only be satiated after a few thousand lives have been taken.

“Remember Kiwakaazi, only you can stop them. But be careful. Nompotse is the strongest and his tricks are the most difficult to break. May Oogu protect you,” blessed Anambre.

Kiwakaazi was disappearing but he did not want to leave. He was still scared. He yelled, “I can’t do this without you. Don’t send me there alone. At least come with me.” Anambre answered him saying, “Maybe you didn’t get me. Oogu will be with you. I will be with you. I always have. Don’t be afraid. Just don’t be afraid. Remember, to win sometimes you must lose.”


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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.