- You laughed, “haha!”
- Even covered your mouth
- With your hand
- As if to stop the
- Burst of laughter
- Your shoulders shook and
- Your eyes squinted
- Like laughter was
- Oh so natural
- To you, but
- Why do I see
- Otherwise? Like
- You’re faking it?
- Weeping, you have
- Tears. Chests vibrating
- Like your sobs
- Are real and your tears
- Not a crocodile’s
- But your wails sound
- Practiced. Wooden, I know
- They’re not real
- You could do better
- Your screams are
- Shrill when you’re mad
- The highest pitch
- You reach as if your
- Temper has reached higher
- But where is your
- Heart? It’s not here
- I know it’s not
- I should have felt
- It throb angrily
- Against my chest
- But there’s nothing
- There, only emptiness
- I don’t know why
- I see through the
- Way you smile and
- Laugh, scream and cry
- Pinnochio was
- A better actor
- His wooden smile was
- More heartfelt
- Than yours
- Don’t take offense
- You know
- What I’m talking about
- Your reactions
- Are manufactured
- From the brain
- Instead of the heart
- Do better, I say
- You can learn, I know
- Open your eyes and ears
- See the beauty around
- Then maybe one day
- I won’t be talking
- To a marionnette
- Who knows how to
- Copy human emotions
- I could even
- Smile with you
- Stare into your eyes
- Calm your anger
- And offer my shoulders
- To your tears
- I just want to
- Know the real you
- Hear your laughter
- Like it’s the first time
- You laughed as a toddler
- I just want to
- See the real you
- Touch who you really are
- And kiss the lips
- That belongs to you
- I just want to
- Love the real you
- Be one with you
- So bring out your soul
- Don’t be afraid to show
- The real you because
- You bring out of me
- The man that I
- Should be
Comments are welcome at radsteven@awesomedude.com.