The Legend Of Kiwakaazi by Nanak



The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 18:   Non-violence — The Path that Unites     Story Index >>

“The path you have chosen is the most difficult path of all. Ishfa (the trickster) is always thinking of new ways to trap the Shosuma and keep it under his control. Anyone who decides to follow this narrow and windy path must decide to live by a certain strict moral code. One of these is Akalsa (Absolute non-violence). My work on earth is coming to its end. I am happy to have been united with you all. However, my passing from earth to Alaami (Eternal Home of Peace) will not be smooth. Those who will come for me will torture me. But I want you all to remember to observe Akalsa and that alone will strengthen me during those trying times,” said Anambre to his followers.

This was the message Anambre delivered to his disciples under the mango tree when he was arrested and dragged to the palace of Nayiri (Supreme Ruler — title of chief) Walanka. He had been accused of many things and after Nayiri Walanka read out all his charges, he asked, “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Anambre, whose torture begun the very instant he was arrested, had blood stains all over his body. His clothes were torn and his hair was rumpled. He still maintained his calm and cool posture. He looked at Nayiri Walanka squarely in the eyes.

Wematu continued her story. Eno Dufie never wanted to lose Wematu. Her young maiden was an experienced sex worker but there was something about her that made her very attractive. She always appeared innocent and untouched to men. She was the most demanded maiden in her brothel and clients pay in precious gold, diamond and rubies just to spend a night with her. She was definitely not ready to sell her laying-golden-eggs goose. So, she planned for the rich man and his entourage to be assassinated.

Anambre stared in the Nayiri’s eyes for a considerable period of time and said, “I pray that forgiveness be showered upon the earth like cold water on a rainy day.” This was all he had to say — a prayer for forgiveness. Who is this man?

Anambre was sentenced to perform Kurubaba (ritual of cleansing). This will take three days only. First, his head will be shaved and he will carry a hot pot of water for about an hour each day on his shaved head. Second, he will be given fifty strokes at his back each day. Third, he will have to publicly denounce this so called Supreme Being, Akaani and openly pray to Rakiambe (The Creator) for forgiveness. “Will he agree to this?” He was questioned.

The rich man was generous indeed. He had spent one night with Wematu and had fallen in love with her. His night with her did not involve physical contact. He was married but in the spur of the moment wanted to have sex with a woman whom was not his wife. He came to Eno Dufie’s brothel to satisfy this basic desire of men. Eno Dufie gave him options. She invited the most beautiful of all her girls and asked this man to choose from the lot. He even had the option to choose more than one woman. He chose Wematu. When they entered her room, he was shaking. His conscience will not allow him to enjoy himself the way he had planned. So Wematu asked him why he was so nervous. “Was it his first time?” she inquired caringly.

Anambre agreed to the first two and refused the third. But of course they knew he will not agree to the third. But the laws of Wetinga stipulated that any man whom refused to perform Kurubaba as prescribed by the chief priest must be put to death. So, Anambre’s sentence was changed — death it is.

The rich man explained that he loved his wife very much. But his mind will not give him peace. He has been consumed with desire for other girls for quite some time now. Even when he was in bed with his wife, he will picture some other girl’s face. He could not do it anymore. He thought if he just had his way with another girl — just once with another girl, then, he will be free of this curse upon his head and enjoy his married life like it was intended by the gods. Wematu nodded to this interesting experience and had some advice for this man. A call girl with advice, get out of here!

Anambre was made to suffer the first two requirements of the Kurubaba for three days and on that same third day, he was to be burned alive. The chief priest chose this to prove to everyone once and for all just how powerless Anambre was. He even called for backup. Flanking Anambre on either sides were twelve men — all of them were chief priests. They were wearing red skirt-like shorts and held staffs in their right hands. Anambre looking at the chief priest of Wetinga whom walked closely on his right said, “Akaani gave me this command: you will leave the world only after you have been beheaded. No other means chosen by Ishfa will work. My brother, spare yourself the humiliation and just do as I am telling you now.”

Wematu told him that the hearts of men are easily swayed by desires of sex. “It is like a curse placed on all men. But it is also a great challenge and those whom overcome this curse are always happy. Their minds have peace and their bodies reflect this great peace within. I have met many men faced with the same dilemma you are faced with now. They tell themselves that if only I can have ‘it,’ then, I will be cured of ‘it.’ But it never works. After having ‘it.’ it becomes worse and they never stop wanting ‘it.’ They come here every day telling themselves that today will be my last day. So please, if you can, don’t do it. Just wait till tomorrow and return to your beautiful wife. Let her dress in different clothing and change her appearance from time to time and she will be the only woman you will desire for the rest of your life.” Even I am touched. Such wisdom from a call girl. Maybe I should have expected it. She truly is experienced in her line of work.

Anambre was tied to the pole at the village square used for burning criminals, witches and the deviant whose only chance of being redeemed was to be put to death by burning — releasing them from their miserable lives of sin. The priests chanted and chanted. Many people gathered to witness round two of Anambre versus the chief priest of Wetinga. A few of them were Anambre’s disciples. The mob called for his execution and after a long period of reciting chants, the chief priests were ready to burn Anambre. Who is who?

The rich man took Wematu’s advice and returned to his wife the next day. He did nothing with Wematu. His marriage changed. He desired his wife only and loved her dearly. His love for her grew more and more with each passing day. He one day realized that this was all thanks to Wematu. He told himself. ‘That girl did not deserve to be a simple harlot. She could be something more. No! She is something more. I must go and bring her out of that impious life.”

Just before the fire was lit, the clouds changed. Darkness engulfed the whole village square and rains came. They were cold and soothing. Everyone there felt blessed. The chief priests could not believe this. Why have their gods abandoned them? Why do they allow this ignoramus to make a mockery of them? Why…? Why…!? They suggested to Nayiri (Supreme ruler) Walanka to postpone the execution. But he would not listen. He cannot wait any longer. It had to be today or never. Nayiri Walanka called for the executioner. He was tall. He was big. He was scary and his blade was extra sharp. He lifted it. At that moment some of the people in the crowd realized it. This man was blameless. But no one could help him. Anambre was beheaded and killed.

The rich man therefore attended that party hoping Wematu would be invited; hoping he would repay her kindness and save her. He came very well prepared. After procuring his merchandize, he decided to leave for his home at once. But Wematu warned him. She anticipated Eno Dufie will send burglars to attack and kill him. The only option he had was to leave unnoticed and to also use an alternate route. Only Wematu and the rich merchant used the alternate route. They were saved. As for the merchant’s entourage, they were killed by robbers on their way to the Merchant’s home.

Much to the displeasure of the chief priests, Anambre died the way he had predicted. He was beheaded. It was very sad. Immediately after his execution, the rain stopped and the sun shone as if it never rained. It was bright everywhere and a rainbow appeared. Those whom gathered to witness his execution all looked for his successor after his death. Even Nayiri Walanka searched for the successor. He found him — a cripple named Kudi from Walasi. He begged for forgiveness. Kudi told him, “You were forgiven on the day he prayed for your forgiveness.” Nayiri Walanka followed the teachings of the Gyaatis till he died.

In the rich man’s home in Wetinga, Wematu was very happy. Unfortunately, the rich man’s wife never liked her and when his untimely death came, threw her out of their house. He died too soon. No one expected it. No one anticipated it. But it was his fault. He angered the gods when he decided to be compassionate to filthy prostitutes.  

“Leave my house you bad omen,” were his wife’s words while she threw Wematu out of her house.

What will Wematu do? Where will she go?


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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.