The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Deila had exhausted her Kaki powers and was falling. Kiwakaazi disappeared instantly and appeared in the valley of peace once again. Deila had changed from Kaki into a beautiful princess but was unconscious. Kiwakaazi used his golden swords to rise and caught her. He disappeared and landed on the ground with her. He looked up and saw it coming: lightning. He screamed, “Sadindin Uhurusa!” and a hundred golden swords appeared dancing around his body. He looked up and they all formed a roof above his head.
Wematu was a well-known prostitute at the time. After she was thrown out of the rich man’s house barely six months after he saved her, she thought of starting a new life — a life far removed from the dirty life of a whore. She moved from house to house and shop to shop and yet no one would employ her in any kind of job. She could do anything but no one would welcome her. The men feared their wives would think she was their sexual partner outside of their marriages, and, the women feared she might steal their husbands from them. Lost and insecure, dejected and abandoned, she turned back to prostitution before she met the son of Akaani, Lord Anambre.
Lightning is basically electric current flowing from temporal charges created by the ionization of water molecules. Wow! Am I that smart? Safihutu simply commands lightning and directs it to strike down her opponents. Kiwakaazi thought hard and realized, gold is a metal. It can conduct electricity ergo lightning. He had a plan. It was not a solid plan but it might work. He held on firmly to Deila with just his left arm. Her feet touched the earth and her chest touched his. He used his right fingers to direct his golden swords while they were still being beaten by lightning in a particular direction.
Since they entered Nhutudan (land of the nhutus), Deila has been trying to teach him how to identify color patterns around objects. He was to use these patterns to draw useful conclusions. Like is a fruit poisonous or energy rich? Is that the real Safihutu or not? Things like that. But he was not really good at it. He knew that once Deila used the cry of death, Safi will change into an element but he had noticed a trend in her change.
Wematu told this story to her son, Sukye, in tears. She wished her life had taken another path. She wished she was innocent before she met her father. No one can change the past. It happened and she was okay with it. Anyway, who knows? Maybe altering the past may alter her future and she would not have been so blessed to meet the perfect man, the Lord of her heart, Anambre Almighty! At the end of her story, she feared her son will never look at her the same way again. He will reject his own mother. No more lovely and kind words will come from him. He will no longer come to her for advice. The hugs and kisses she receives from him will all stop. The cat is out of the bag and with it the end of the best mother-son relationship.
The first time Safihutu heard the cry after her four other nhutus were defeated, she disappeared and appeared from the earth. The second time, she disappeared and appeared from the water. Kiwakaazi saw all of it and realized the elements were mixing in a certain way. First water and earth mix. Then when fire comes, it is supported and spread by wind/air. She was going to rise from either the earth or water once again.
Kiwakaazi therefore looked everywhere on the land and in the waters inside the valley of peace for reviving or assembling nhutus. He noticed three of them; two emerging from water and one was forming on the earth all quite spaced. Which means the queen nhutu was planning on using two clones as decoys while she revived herself. In her nhutu (elemental state) she was invincible because she comprised of more energy than matter. She also almost always attacks first with lightning to distract them. Remember this; energy they say cannot be destroyed. But what happens when energy is bombarded with energy. Let us find out.
Sukye heard this story and instead of being upset was very happy. He had never heard such a real love story his entire life. All the love stories he ever heard were about Akaani. This Akaani he had never met and did not know how to reach. He therefore made a decision that day. Fine, Akaani maybe real and His home in Alaami may also be real but he will only go back to Akaani with a partner; someone he loved as much as his parents love each other assuming his parents will be going together.
To test his new hypothesis, Kiwakaazi planned to direct the powerful electrical energy, lightning, to attack Safihutu before she reassembles. But which one was the real nhutu and which ones were clones? “Think, Think hard Kay!” he said to himself until he decided to gamble. He will just close his eyes and attack one of the reassembling nhutus. For once in his life, he will act without analyzing and making sound conclusions – he will go with his instincts and he did.
Like a pianist or a guitarist, Kiwakaazi played the keys and strung the strings of his golden swords. They conducted the lightning technique until it collided with one of the forming nhutus on water. A large and loud explosion resulted.
Anambre died after his son and wife had both died. His wife died first after a short illness. She did not suffer or cry. In fact she was very happy and told everyone around her that she was the luckiest woman on earth. She goes to her husband’s home even after death to continue enjoying the great love they both shared on earth. Then, a couple of years later, Sukye died after he failed to achieve his aim of finding true love on earth. How did he die? Be patient. I promise to tell you everything I remember.
Sukye looked everywhere and he did not find love. Some women did not want to come close to him because he was the son of Anambre. Others came close also for the same reason. None of them saw him for whom he really was. He was Sukye, kind, loving and gentle, and, being judged because of his father really pissed him off.
After a while, he accepted his ill fate. He was no Anambre. He was not going to be touted a god among men and no woman was ever going to look at him and not see his father in him. After all, they were like identical twins if you take out the hair and eye color. He joined some really bad company and instead of following the divine path set by his father, he became the number one deviant of society.
You will find Sukye wherever there was trouble. If you heard a group of people were fighting, you will find Sukye in the mix. If there are reports of a group of men stealing from a farm, Sukye was the leader. If a group of boys were indulging in senseless drinking of alcohol and other intoxicants, having uncontrolled sex and disturbing peace in a neighborhood, be sure to look out for Sukye. He was the worse and brought his father the worst kind of publicity some times.
One of the core teachings of Anambre was that, every Shosuma was from Akaani and every Shosuma will eventually return to Akaani. The coming of the Gyaatis only hastens this process and shortens the path. Without them, the Shosuma will have to endure unfathomable suffering before eventually entering Alaami. It was all a matter of time. And to Akaani Almighty, the True One who is never affected by time, it has already happened. What this means is that, it was not yet Sukye’s time and when his time comes, he himself will do the hard work. He, Sukye, will look for the Gyaati and learning from him in humility and love, enter Alaami to meet Almighty and All Forgiving Akaani. So Sukye went on with his deviant behavior until the day he decided to help some friends with a heist.
After the large explosion, the other two transformations disappeared leaving just one. Safihutu’s transformation did not stop. After the earth had combined with water to form some form of muddy water, fire entered and wind distributed the fire. Her body was complete but weak and on the ground.
Kiwakaazi carried still unconscious Deila to Safihutu’s side. Safihutu’s eyes were still opened. She begged Kiwakaazi to take very good care of her daughter. She closed her eyes and asked, “How, how did you do it?” Kiwakaazi thought of extending her one last courtesy. He was going to explain to her how he was able to defeat the powerful Safihutu before she changed into a kafushii (stone mummy). He started by saying, I first tried to see your energy signature but it was really difficult to tell the difference between the colors then....” He just stopped, smiled and said, “I was able to do it because of her.” He was looking at Deila’s peaceful face while she breathed erratically in his arms. When he turned to face Safiri, she was gone. She looked like an Egyptian mummy.
Time for our second commercial break — another fun break! This time, it is going to be more fun than the first. I promise.
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.