The Legend Of Kiwakaazi by Nanak



The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 20:   Edua — The Peace Summit     Story Index >>

Inside Nomposuro on the day the delegates arrived for the peace summit:

Six men stood in a circle close to one another. One man advised, “We should stay together.” Another in a deep voice said, “I don’t trust any of you. Count me out.” He walked away from the five. A third man shouted, “I understand! But you will be killed out there! Sticking together is our best chance of survival!” The man turned sharply and shouted, “Do you expect me to follow a man who sacrificed his brothers, leader of the Akati clan?” The other four men turned to gaze upon the face of a great man. Perhaps not great to the ordinary man but to a villain, he was a god.

The supposed leader of the Akati clan, like all those around him, was almost naked if not for a pair of tight white shorts he wore to protect his manhood. He was not particularly muscular but had a manly body. He was not too tall; a little under six feet. He had an awkwardly shaped head and a well maintained haircut. He wore earrings and his facial hair was also neatly shaved. He had bright small eyes, a small but flat nose, and relatively thick lips.

9:05pm on the day the delegates arrived for the peace summit in Nibooman:

Special Agent Sitso of the Central Bureau for Investigations into crimes was sitting behind his desk at the bureau while speaking on the phone. The voice on the other side said, “You were right Agent Sitso. The Akati clan attacked as anticipated.” Agent Sitso questioned, “So, what happened? Have you arrested them?” The voice answered, “I am sorry, but all four of them were killed in the shootout.” Agent Sitso sighed. He remarked, “I am also sorry… wait! How many of them did you say were killed?” The voice answered, “Four… why do you ask?” Agent Sitso requested, “Tell General Samini not to tamper with the crime scene. I will be there shortly.” “Alright,” answered the voice on the other side. Agent Sitso pushed a button and cut the call.

Back inside Nomposuro:

One of the five men asked, “You are the leader of the Akati clan?” The supposed leader of the Akati clan felt uncomfortable and did not want to answer the question.  Luckily, he did not have to answer. The six men heard a really loud and menacing roar. Their attentions shifted from the leader of the Akati clan. One of them asked, “What was that?” The man believed, or accused, of being the leader of the Akati clan answered, “That will be the last thing we will ever hear if we don’t hurry.” The man who accused him did not tag along. He took his own path and disappeared into the bushes. The remaining five followed the leader of the Akati clan. One of his followers questioned, “Where are we going?” The accused leader of the Akati clan answered, “I don’t know. I am just looking for something or some place.” The follower asked again, “What thing or place?” The accused leader answered, “For the sikan nifanum (five edged sword).”

9:15pm inside the underground storage facility of the Imperial palace of the west:

Agent Sitso and his forensic scientist, Adomaa, stood in a hallway. They looked stunned. The Agent asked his guide, a young man and the same person who called earlier, “What happened here?” The young man answered, “The Akati clan proved ever resourceful. They killed twenty of our men before surrendering to death.” Ahead of Agent Sitso and his beautiful scientists were bodies and blood of men dressed like soldiers. Further away and close to the sealed entrance of the underground storage facility of the Imperial Palace of Nibooman were four other bodies, each dressed in black and wearing ski masks.   

Adomaa and Agent Sitso had to cross a river of blood and a blockade of bodies to reach the four men who were the center of Agent Sitso’s investigations. Adomaa stretched her thin legs over one of the dead bodies and was really close to the steel gates of the storage facility. She squatted and placed a bag she carried carefully to her right.

She shouted, “Sir, over here!” She was holding a camera-like device in her hand. She was looking through the aperture with her left eye and had clicked a button on the top right corner of the gadget. A blue light was shone on the wall. Adomaa said, “I see a palm print.” She passed the camera-like gadget to Special Agent Sitso. He did exactly what she had done and commented, “You are right. I see it too.” Adomaa asked, “Do you see the mark?” “Yes, I do. That is definitely a mark made by wearing a ring,” answered Special Agent Sitso after he had noticed a mark on the ring finger of the palm print.

He turned off the light and stood up. Agent Sitso said, “He is long gone by now.” Adomaa looked around and said, “All this blood. Could it not be that he took a bullet during the shootout?” Special Agent Sitso said, “You may be right. Contact the bureau and ask them to send men to all the hospitals around the Imperial palace. They should investigate recent cases of gunshot wounds.” Adomaa responded, “Yes sir!” She searched the bag she carried and finally found what she was looking for — her phone. She quickly dialed the bureau’s number and hugged her ears with the phone.

9:05am of the same day:

A young man, the same man believed to be the leader of the Akati clan in Nomposuro, was relaxed in a beautiful basket-like couch while watching his flat screen television plastered on the wall of a hotel room. A man and a woman sitting behind a news desk were commenting excitedly about the day’s biggest news. It was the day the delegates will arrive for the Peace Summit. It was only the second time the peace summit was being held in Nyansapofie after the first time’s unfortunate turn of events.

The man faced the camera and commented, “Today is the big day. The day we have all been waiting for. The second time Nibooman (Western Empire) and Nyansapofie (capital city of Nibooman) will be hosting the peace summit.” He turned to the lady on his right and asked, “Naana serwaa, tell me, do you think that Nyansapofie is ready to host the peace summit?” Naana Serwaa cleared her throat. “Thank you, Kuma. I think Nyansapofie has always been ready. I don’t really know why it took this long,” answered Naana Serwaa. Kuma commented, “Well, you must understand why. The last time we hosted the summit Quaazi Selasi did not only lose his son but Nomposuro was created. About Nomposuro; do you think it will be discussed at the summit?” Naana smiled and answered, “Nomposuro will be discussed and I’m sure it has been discussed at every summit. People live in fear, Kuma. People have questions and they need answers. They want to know….” Kuma interrupted Naana Serwaa. He first inserted his right index finger in his right ear and said, “Hold on, Naana. I am receiving information that an Emperor has arrived. Let’s head over to the Imperial Palace to cover the arrival. Over to you Ekule.”

Ekule looked into the camera and said, “Thank you Kuma. You heard right. Jaazi (Emperor) Tumi of the South and his wife, Jaaziba (Empress) Sasaa just arrived.” The camera was moved to cover their arrival.

 He arrived in a unique black vehicle in the middle of two similar silver colored vehicles — a hybrid between a motorcycle and a car. It was slender and longer than the car of this day and age. It a had steering wheel but only two tyres; one in front and one behind. The tyres were huge and the vehicles were closer to the ground. The rear was slightly swollen to accommodate two passengers while there was room for just the driver in front. The driver pushed a button and the rear gates opened like the wings of a bird ready to take flight. Before this, two tall, muscular and scary looking men were already waiting for the Jaazi beside the door of his vehicle. There wore sleeveless multicolored tops and tight pants. Their eyes hid behind dark shades and their weapons, guns and swords, were visible. A man carrying a staff with the head of an elephant on the topmost end of the staff also waited for the Jaazi (Emperor of the South). The Jaazi’s left foot was the first part of his body captured by the cameras. He wore a black sandal with golden decorations. His foot stepped on a red carpet and his hairy legs were captured. Finally the Emperor climbed out of the vehicle.

He wore a white sleeveless shirt and a pair of shorts. Covering some parts of the shirt and short was his beautiful African Kente cloth which he wrapped around his body very much like how the ancient Greeks wore their toga. Many multicolored bead necklaces hung around his neck; similar colored bracelets were around his wrists. He wore a circular golden crown with black, diamond-shaped decorations at equal intervals around the crown. He waved at the cheering crowd while he waited for his wife to join him.

His wife wore a beautiful kente dress. Her top hugged her body from just below her neck and was only loose around her waist. It extended to cover her arms up to her elbows. She wore a long skirt that also hugged her hips and was loose from around her knees downwards to her feet. She wore a sandal similar to her husband’s, many bead necklaces, anklets and bracelets. She wore a simple circular golden crown. She walked gracefully with a smile and swinging her hips from left to right around their vehicle. She took her husband’s right hand and together they walked towards the large gates of the Imperial palace under the watchful eyes of their four bodyguards.

The Maharaazi (Emperor of the east) and his wife arrived next. He came in a similar white colored vehicle. He wore a batakari with blue and white strips, a long blue and white stripped trouser and a white African peculiar hat. He wore a sandal similar to the one the Jaazi wore and had just one long brown bead necklace around his neck. He carried a grulba and he shook it to the excitement of the crowd while he waited for his wife to join. His wife wore an elaborate headgear. Her orange and white striped top only covered her breasts, exposing her stomach and bellybutton. She wore many thick beads around her waist. A spotless long white cloth hung and covered her buttocks and front only. Her elaborately tattooed thighs were completely exposed. She carried a fan which she waved at the crowd while she walked to join her husband. Leading them was a man who carried a staff with an animal with a face very identical to a dragon. I don’t know why and how, but I am convinced it was a dragon.

Last to arrive was the Muaazi (Emperor of the North). He wore a long white cloth from neck to feet with golden threads woven through. He wore sandals similar to the one the Jaazi wore. One black bead necklace made from really thick beads hung around his neck. He wore a pair of bracelets and a turban around his head. His wife had also completely concealed her body in a similar cloth. Only her beautiful face could be seen and the beautiful beads that surrounded her covered head. The man leading the Muaazi carried a staff with the head of a cobra at its end.

The camera was back on Ekule. He looked into the camera and said, “The Emperors are finally here. Now, we will wait for their elders to arrive. You can continue with your discussions while we wait for their arrival.” Kuma said, “Thank you.” He turned to Naana and said, “Let’s continue with our discussion.”

The young man watching the television heard his phone vibrating and ringing on the table in front of him. He snapped his finger twice and a long line indicating the volume control appeared on the screen of his television. He pointed his right index finger at the screen and moved it towards his left lowering the sound from the television. He reached for his phone and answered the call.

“Hello Eja (means elder or father) Diewuo,” greeted the accused leader of the Akati clan. Eja Diewuo answered, “Hello Obenfo (doctor) Panie.” “How are your sons?” asked Obenfo Panie. “They are fine and out playing thanks to your magical cure,” answered Eja Diewuo. “That’s good to know. Call me if there is a change in their condition,” demanded Obenfo Panie. “I will and goodbye,” ended the conversation by Eja Diewuo.

Well, clearly, the young man was not an Obenfo (doctor). He was the criminal master mind of a notorious group of thieves famously known as the Akati clan. The Akati clan used coded language during communications. Eja Diewuo was the code name of the leader of the Akati Clan, Bayo and Obenfo Panie was the brains behind the group, Edua and later the same person being accused of leading the Akati clan by his new acquaintances in Nomposuro. “How are your sons?” is coded language for how is the team? “They are fine and out playing,” means they are in position. “Call me if there is a change in their condition,” means let me know when they have completed their tasks.

5:08pm inside the Imperial suite of the Akwantufo Hotel:

Bayo, Dagano, Sako and Sofo, you are my brothers and it has been an honor to have worked with you all these years. I am sorry to say this but this will be our last job together,” said Edua to his Akati brothers at the chosen base of their operations — the hotel room where he stayed. Bayo and the other three men of the Akati clan could not believe their ears. Bayo asked, “Why, did something happen?” Edua answered, “Nothing happened. I joined this group for a reason. But somewhere along the way, I lost focus. I started to enjoy what we do and have lost focus.” Bayo said, “I must confess, I never expected this. It is not going to be fun without you. I guess you are leaving with a bang.” Edua smiled, then he requested, “Before you leave, hand over the information you gathered at the palace and meet me here at o-eight hundred.” Three of the members, excluding Bayo, handed over photos to Edua.

7:23pm at the Bureau of Investigations into crimes:

“Hello, Special Agent Sitso. My name is Naa Aku and I need to talk to you urgently. It is about the Akati clan,” said a woman on the phone. Special Agent Sitso answered, “Come to Bureau. I will be waiting for you there.” About seven minutes later, Naa Aku arrived at the Bureau of Investigations into crimes and met with Special Agent Sitso.

“Welcome, Naa Aku. So, what information do you have about the Akati clan?” asked Special Agent Sitso. Naa Aku said, “Thank you for meeting me. I think I know what exactly the Akati clan is after.” Agent Sitso was intrigued. He asked, “What is it?” Naa Aku answered, “Vuduwadu (Vudu’s cube).”


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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.