The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Kuntunkunukun, the white dwarf, the most powerful dwarf, started to undergo some sort of transmutation. He grew taller exactly to Kiwakaazi’s height. His arms became long and slender and his legs grew lanky exactly how Kiwakaazi’s arms and legs looked like. His head swell and his hair became puffy. His face shifted to one side and then to the next until it decided on how it will look — just like Kiwakaazi. He lifted his left hand and opened his palm. A long silvery sword appeared in his palm and he held on to it. The differences were that, the fake Kiwakaazi had white hair, no kafunde and no impregnable armor. He became the white haired Kiwakaazi or simply “White Kiwakaazi.”
Kiwakaazi and Kaki were astounded. ‘Not only does he summon zombies but can also transform his own body into his opponent’s,’ they thought, ‘but why change himself into Kiwakaazi?’
“I have watched you — the way you fight; the way you move and the way you think. I must say, I admire it and that is why I must look like you; think like you and become you,” explained the dwarf. He swung his sword once and asked, “Now, are you ready to taste real power?”
In one leap, he stood right before Kiwakaazi and his silvery sword was already attacking Kiwakaazi diagonally. It would cut Kiwakaazi across his chest from right to left. Kiwakaazi responded quickly. It was a reflex action if you ask me. He just swung the kafunde (demon mummifier) and it met and stopped his fake’s silvery sword. The fake Kiwakaazi changed the direction of his attack by swinging his silver sword horizontally from left to right and then right to left and each time Kiwakaazi who had become more experienced over a short period of time in combat defended well.
Fake Kiwakaazi’s sword was once again bearing down on Kiwakaazi diagonally. Kiwakaazi had now learned how to defend that attack and the kafunde was already on its way to stop the silvery sword of his fake. Unexpectedly, Kiwakaazi’s double sliced through Kiwakaazi’s abdomen with another silvery sword that appeared in his right. The sword was surprisingly sharp. It cut through the impregnable armor and made a horizontal cut across Kiwakaazi’s abdomen.
Kiwakaazi lost his footing. He was moving backwards. The white haired Kiwakaazi seized the moment. Kiwakaazi had momentarily lost concentration and balance. It was the perfect time to strike and kill Kiwakaazi. After a single step he was close and was already swinging his silvery sword. This time, he aimed for Kiwakaazi’s neck.
Kiwakaazi quickly lowered his head. The fake Kiwakaazi had been distracted and Kaki, in her shinko form, was already behind the white Kiwakaazi. Her right hand and right claws were moving from right to left with every intention of cutting off the fake Kiwakaazi’s head. The dwarf simply threw back his left arm as if trying to drive an insect away and Kaki was in real big trouble.
She was tumbling and rolling on the ground. What happened? Before the beast could strike down the fake Kiwakaazi, she was pushed away when the dwarf threw his hand back. Her black fur was being dragged on the ground. That incident, however unfortunate it might be for Kaki bought Kiwakaazi some time to regain his balance. He too lifted his sword. Before he could even swing it, he too found himself flying in the air. The fake Kiwakaazi ran after him. He simply wanted to finish off the pesky intruder.
In his moment of desperation, Kiwakaazi screamed, “Sadin! Uhurusa (the first dance of fifty golden swords)!” The tip of the fake Kiwakaazi’s silvery sword was millimeters away from Kiwakaazi’s body and we already know how sharp that sword is. The silvery sword of the fake Kiwakaazi met and was stopped by a golden sword. The swords quickly changed defense into attack. They attacked the dwarf-turned-Kiwakaazi from his right and from his left; from behind, in front and above the fake. Kiwakaazi’s white double leapt backwards a couple of times and stopped.
Kiwakaazi was exhausted. Maybe now he could also push the dwarf backwards. His golden swords would be very useful in this battle. So you can imagine the surprise look on his face when he saw close to fifty golden swords dancing around the dwarf. They did not attack the dwarf. It was as if he had control over them. “This is impossible!” shouted Kiwakaazi.
Kaki, thanks to friction had also stopped rolling on the ground. The white Kiwakaazi stood in between the real Kiwakaazi and Kaki. He faced Kiwakaazi and Kaki was behind him. White Kiwakaazi adjusted his body. Kiwakaazi was now on his right and Kaki was on his left. He turned just his head away from Kiwakaazi and faced Kaki who was struggling to rise up to her feet. The sword in his left palm disappeared. He showed the shinko his left palm and Kiwakaazi’s golden swords flew towards her with great speed. The two red marks on Kiwakaazi’s face disappeared and so did the golden swords. Kaki could breathe a sigh of relief. She has been saved. The white haired Kiwakaazi turned to real Kiwakaazi. He gaped at him for a few seconds and showed Kaki his palm once again. “No, this can’t be!” thought Kiwakaazi.
What can’t be? Kaki was floating in the air towards the white fake Kiwakaazi very quickly. The fake just pointed his silvery sword in her direction. She would simply run into the sharp sword and die. Kiwakaazi tried to stop him by attacking. The fake, moved his right arm and Kiwakaazi was lifted high above the ground and kept that way. Kiwakaazi summoned all his will and disappeared. The fake Kiwakaazi’s silvery sword had already bypassed Kaki’s fur and was drilling her body. Kiwakaazi appeared, snatched her and disappeared again with her.
They appeared at quite some distance away from the dwarf. Kaki was injured and bleeding. She placed both palms on her abdomen to slow down the bleeding. Kiwakaazi also had a nose bleed. He probably did the unthinkable to break free of his white double’s magnetic ability. The white haired and fake Kiwakaazi asked, “Tell me, have your taste buds been stimulated yet for more?”
The couple could not believe it. How do they defeat this dwarf? You cannot attack him neither can you really defend yourself from his attacks. He could attract and repel just about anything. He turns the opponent’s attacks into his own attacks. He really is at the highest level. He is simply invincible. But the dwarf was not ready to give them any time to think. Thinking together was their strongest weapon. He stretched his hand. What is he going to do now?
Kiwakaazi was not ready to find out. He touched Kaki and disappeared with her. They appeared outside the triangle and Kiwakaazi’s identical lowered his arm. Kiwakaazi breathed a sigh of relief. “I guessed right,” said the young hero. Kaki’s face changed to human and asked, “Why are we outside the triangle?”
“I think his powers have a limit. He is able to attract and repel things. But like magnets, there is an area around him where his power is effective and that area is within the three sides of the equilateral triangle. His powers cannot work outside the triangle.” Deila understood. They have been saved once again thanks to Kiwakaazi’s analytical skills.
The dwarf thought, “He has started figuring out how my power works. I have to quickly end this battle before he detects flaws within my abilities.” He took a step and the triangle moved with him. But Kiwakaazi disappeared with Deila. They appeared outside the triangle and maintained that when white-haired Kiwakaazi tried it a couple more times. Kiwakaazi told Deila to remain outside the triangle. She wanted to object but he disappeared and appeared inside the triangle before she could.
He appeared and disappeared many times inside the triangle. It was clear what he was trying to do. Remaining at one place for long could be dangerous. His double could use either his ability to pull or push things on him. The fake really did not seem bothered. He looked at Deila for a while. He closed his eyes and when he opened it, Deila saw an energy field around the triangle. Once in a while a white streak will pass through the field like lightning. Kiwakaazi’s identical said, “Now that no one is getting in or out, I can end this battle.”
Elsewhere, Anambre took Kiwakaazi to meet Jenak. He was not bad looking. Honestly, I think Kiwakaazi was a little bit jealous of the man Deila loved first and perhaps the most. But he was not the kind of man who admits such things. Besides, this long and windy trip down memory lane was to enlighten him not stir up unhealthy feelings within him.
But first remember that Dedeli made a miraculous recovery and left home in search of her beloved. She too travelled the entire world. It was a great experience for her but it was more heartbreaking. She came close many times only to be told he just left. She followed him to the Eastern Empire. Her heart beat very fast all the way. She sensed he was near and will meet him soon. She heard rumors of him here and there and followed every one of them. When they were entering one village in the Eastern Empire, she was so certain that she placed her palm on her chest and told Safiri that she could feel he is near. She closed her eyes and imagined their meeting. She can’t wait. She entered that village and received heartbreaking news. Kiwakaazi (the second) just left for the Northern Empire.
The unfortunate princess wept bitterly. Why are the gods punishing her so much? Has she not suffered enough? Safiri tried everything but Tinle (Princess) Dedeli was inconsolable. Safiri looked at her new best friend and told her sternly, “When the meeting of two hearts is real and pure, not even the gods can stop them from being together. Have faith your highness. I am sure it won’t be long when the two of you will embrace each other and share your first real kiss.” Dedeli was beginning to lose hope but Safiri’s words touched her. She stopped crying and wiped her tears. She will not give up no matter what.
Next they travelled to the north and were disappointed once again. They were told the young wanderer and his family of wanderers was mad enough to travel to Awufudom (land of ghosts). The people of the north tried to convince them that the man he was pining for was probably dead or lost in the land of no return. And if she too was foolish enough to pursue him to that land, then she will meet a similar fate. She should abandon her search and go back home.
The princess and her maid were frightened. The stories they were told about Awufudom were scary indeed. “What are we going to do now?” asked Safiri. “We are going straight to Awufudom,” answered brave Dedeli daughter of the Majestic Empress Ashanti.
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.