The story revolves around a nineteen year old intelligent young scientist, Kiwakaazi, in ancient Africa. He was accused and found guilty of an incident that claimed many lives in the then Nibooman (Land of Inventions or Western Empire) of Africa. As punishment, he was banished to find a special plant that bears a special flower in Nomposuro (dark and evil forest). There was only one slight problem. The kranjus (immortal guardians) stand in his way. How is thin, weak and naive Kiwakaazi going to survive in Nomposuro? The epic and yet very spiritual journey of Kiwakaazi and other related stories has been captured in this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Kiwakaazi disappeared and appeared many times within the triangle. His double had no interest in his movements. Suddenly, he screamed and attacked his white haired identical from behind. But seriously, why do people always scream when they attack. He tried to stab his fake in the back but was pushed away by the seeming magnetic field around the fake. Kiwakaazi was frightened. He expected his doppelganger to attack immediately but he just watched Kiwakaazi rise to his feet.
Maybe Kiwakaazi and Deila did not really understand why the dwarf transformed into Kiwakaazi. Did he not mention that he appreciated the young intruder’s movement and level of thinking? He did. The dwarf knew that Kiwakaazi and Deila were strongest when they combined their strengths. So he planned to split them up from the moment he changed into Kiwakaazi with white hair and that was why he gave them a taste of his infinite power. He knew Kiwakaazi was smart enough to ascertain that his powers had a limit in range. His next sure bet was that, Kiwakaazi cared about Deila and seeing how powerful the double is, he will try to do it all on his own; he will leave Deila outside the triangle. He will step inside the triangle alone and that is when he will seal off the whole area and prevent the beast from interfering. He will kill the intruder and as for the traitor, well, Nompotse (Lord of Nomposuro) will deal with her personally.
Kiwakaazi stopped moving. He just realized that, whenever his look-alike wants to use his powers, he always moves his arms. Running around in the triangle will wear him out quickly. He disappeared once and attacked his look-alike head-on. Kiwakaazi swung the kafunde from left to right and missed the neck of his double. He returned the kafunde in the opposite direction and only met one of his look-alike’s silvery swords — the one in his left. Kiwakaazi stopped attacking and gawked into the eyes of his double with a frown. The fake Kiwakaazi smiled and Kiwakaazi was once again sent flying backwards — pushed away by the magnetic abilities of the fake.
This time, the white haired Kiwakaazi followed and like the first time, the tip of his sharp silvery sword led the way. The fake ensured there was some distance between himself and Kiwakaazi. He was very fast but chose to be simply fast this time because he had a plan.
Two red marks, appeared on Kiwakaazi’s face; two lines underneath his eyes. These lines summoned fifty golden swords that attacked the dwarf-turned-Kiwakaazi immediately from right in front of Kiwakaazi. The dwarf showed Kiwakaazi his right palm. The golden swords were all returned forcing the red mark to disappear; Kiwakaazi’s own doing to save himself. Kiwakaazi still suffered a few injuries. Before they disappeared, some of the golden swords stabbed him in the shoulders, abdomen and thigh. The black vest healed itself but Kiwakaazi still felt the pain. He moaned and groaned, and, he struggled to get up — to even sit up became a great challenge for Kiwakaazi. It seems his end has finally come. I just can’t wait for it all to end for him. So, what was Deila doing outside the triangle while her beloved was being slaughtered?
Deila tried a few times to use brute strength to break through the electric field but it did not work. She was forced out each time. She burnt her palm and her fur. She watched while Kiwakaazi fight this powerful dwarf all alone. She was angry with him. Why does he keep on taking such unnecessary risks? They are a team. He has her back and she has his. Did he not know this?
She felt helpless. She wished she had more power. That was when she remembered that she had Kaki resting inside her body. It was time to collect rent from the white shadow of death. She sat in silence behind the field and visited her tenant.
Deila met Kaki in her cottage. “I know why you have come here. But I can’t help you this time. Not only is your body still not ready to handle my power but I do not know how to break this barrier,” explained Kaki. Deila argued, “There is always a way. What about the sound you used to hypnotize and paralyze the third dwarf? Remember you promised me to help keep him safe.” Kaki could not argue against that. She was that kind of death goddess who keeps her promises.
Kiwakaazi was able to sit up. He moved backwards dragging his buttocks on the ground. His doppelganger walked slowly towards him. The dwarf-turned-Kiwakaazi whispered, “There is no need trying to run. There is no need trying to escape. This is it, Kiwakaazi. It is finally over for you.” The white haired Kiwakaazi was slow and yet still faster than Kiwakaazi. He caught up with Kiwakaazi. Kiwakaazi was too close to the electric field. There was no more room behind him. The dwarf-turned Kiwakaazi pointed his silvery sword at Kiwakaazi’s chest and slowly drove it through the black vest. Kiwakaazi watched in fear. “Am I really going to die?” wondered the third man to be called Kiwakaazi.
Suddenly, the fake Kiwakaazi stopped. Kiwakaazi felt it too. His body was numb. The double tried to push his silvery sword but his body completely ignored his command. His mind was in control but his body was as still as a corpse. “What is happening?” questioned the dwarf. Then he remembered, “Deila. She must be the reason for this,” thought Kiwakaazi.
And she was. Deila contacted Kaki within her and suggested the use of the enchanting music to hypnotize Kiwakaazi’s look-alike but Kaki advised against that. Kaki was a truly powerful death goddess. There existed only two death gods that can kill other gods. The first was the king of the death gods, Gbelemantse Kakai and his Uhursa katui (ultimate slayer of the gods) and the second was Kaki. Yes, Kaki. She could produce sound that can kill even the gods.
This sound works on the principle that, every being has a body and a spirit. The spirit of all beings is made up of two primary energies; sound and light. She can therefore produce sound that can enchant the spirit within the body. Listen to this sound for too long and the spirit will eventually be separated from the body causing the phenomenon known as death. This sound unlike the second sound she used on the third dwarf is inaudible to the external ear and this was the only sound that can be used to stop Papa dwarf.
The fifth and insanely powerful dwarf is surrounded by energy. Basically, his ability is energy. The dwarf’s armor was a very powerful energy field. The second sound which is audible to the external ear will travel through air. It will vibrate the molecules of air and before it reaches the dwarf, he would have picked up on it and cancelled its effect with his strong energy. The only way to get the dwarf was to use sound; sound that is inaudible; sound that is already permeating throughout the universe. Only his spirit can hear it. The dwarf will not sense it early enough to counter. He will be paralyzed. Kiwakaazi too will be paralyzed. That is all the sound could do. It would paralyze the dwarf but not kill him. The rest will be up to Kiwakaazi. He will have to use that big brain of his to rescue himself.
But Deila’s body was still too weak. She forced herself to transform into Kaki and used the highest of Kaki’s three sound powers. The effects were that she passed out immediately and may never wake up. If she ever does, she may not be able to change into Kaki ever again.
Real Kiwakaazi sat on the ground frozen and gazing into the eyes of his white haired fake. The fake Kiwakaazi had bent over with silvery sword planted in the real’s chest. Kiwakaazi heard Deila’s voice in his head. She somehow sent him a message. “I will never forgive you if you die on me!” was the message. But how was Kiwakaazi going to break this paralysis. Even the invincible fifth dwarf could not break it. That was what Kiwakaazi thought until he felt the barrier erected by the dwarf to keep Kaki out coming down and the energy that was used to erect it returning to the dwarf. Papa dwarf was planning on breaking his paralysis by increasing his energy. Kiwakaazi realized it might work and it may also be his only option.
For the first time ever, Kiwakaazi was ready to unleash all the power of the kafunde (demon mummifier). He removed all the blocks and restraints he had placed within himself to control the kafunde’s power and sensation returned to his toes. The dwarf-turned-Kiwakaazi also felt it — the increasing energy in Kiwakaaazi. Kiwakaazi felt sensation returning to his feet and climbing towards his legs. At the same time the dwarf felt sensation in his legs too. It was rising in both opponents. Certainly the one to break the paralysis first will have an upper hand. Perhaps even win.
It happened simultaneously. Papa dwarf and Kiwakaazi both vanished and appeared on either sides of the triangle standing on vertices. They broke the paralysis at the same time. The fake Kiwakaazi took a good long look at the real Kiwakaazi. He was different again. That black vest that protected his body was gone — no more impregnable armor because he had something better. He had the black flames of hell surrounding him. The black flames are not visible to the external eyes. Only beings with energy has high as Papa dwarf’s could see it. It was an energy field stronger than the one that protected the dwarf and it can also be used as a weapon. The mark on his face was complete — a red U-mark that extended from under his eyes and met under his chin. The kafunde was gone and Kiwakaazi had two long golden swords in both hands. Kiwakaazi had become the ultimate guardian of hell — the Uhurusa Rahasi!
After his transformation, Kiwakaazi pictured Deila screaming at him — telling him not to lose himself to the sword. He was in control but just. He felt the power of the sword eating away his conscience. The sword was too powerful. He can’t fight for long. If he continues using the complete power of the kafunde (demon mummifier), he will become a monster. He must quickly defeat the dwarf and return to human before that happens.
Kiwakaazi’s double showed Kiwakaazi his right palm. Kiwakaazi’s felt he was being pulled but whatever was pulling him was not strong enough. His feet were dragged through the soil for a while and he stopped. The dwarf tried harder and again was only able to drag Kiwakaazi a couple of feet towards him. Papa dwarf whispered to himself, “Just what I feared. My powers no longer work on him.” Kiwakaazi shouted, “If you wanted me close all you should have done was asked. Here I come!” before he disappeared.
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This story and the included images are Copyright © 2015-2025 by Nanak. They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this story. No other rights are granted.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.