Title: audio Dancing With Mariah
Author: Codey Narrator: Blue Ben W.
Kind: Poem Type: MP3 Time: 00:01:40 Size: 1.53 MB

Dancing with Mariah

by Codey ~ 2006-04-16

stock photos modified by Codey
dandelion seeds blowing in the wind dandelion seeds blowing in the wind
  • Swinging and swaying, in graceful dance.
  • Random movement, as if by chance.
  • Waving to angels as clouds fly by,
  • whispering wisdom in barely a sigh.
  • Roaring in anger at things unjust,
  • obscuring vision with clouds of dust.
  • Caressing bare skin, pale and ashen,
  • then moving on feeling no passion.
  • Moving unseen in darkness or light,
  • illusive and hidden as a woodland sprite.
  • Surrounding all but seen by none,
  • the proof of your passing is what you have done.
  • Sometimes harsh, cold, unforgiving,
  • other times warm comforting the living.
  • All this encompassed in cosmic blend
  • are things that I see when watching the wind.

dandelion seeds blowing in the wind