Codey's World


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Email Codey’s World

Codey ~ Poet & Author

Blue ~ Editor & Designer


Cool Poster

  • PDF 11×17in poster of “I Danced With Unicorns” poem.


Cool Songs

  1. audio Adventures of Billy, A Kid
  2. audio All My Angels
  3. audio Atop A Wall
  4. audio At Peace
  5. music audio Broken Heart
  6. audio Circles
  7. audio Dancing With Mariah
  8. audio Do I Dare?
  9. audio Doors And Masks
  10. audio Fireflies
  11. audio Forever Kind of Love
  12. audio Garden of Love
  13. audio Get A Clue
  14. audio Hangin
  15. audio How?
  16. audio I Danced with Unicorns
  17. audio I Might Have Been
  18. audio Judges
  1. audio Lament
  2. audio Me's
  3. audio Memoriam
  4. audio Moments and Memories
  5. audio Sleeping Angel
  6. The Cowboy and The Geezer
  7. audio The End of Twilight
  8. audio The Face of Shadow
  9. audio The Mighty Tree
    For How The Mighty Have Fallen by Codey
  10. audio To Be Me
  11. audio Today, Tonight, and Tomorrow
  12. audio Untitled
  13. audio View From The Hill NEW!
    For Heart of the Tree by Graeme
  14. audio Warders, Plastic People and Recycling
  15. audio When Santa Claus Was Real
  16. audio Winter's Child