Title: audio Garden of love
Author: Codey Narrator: Blue Ben W.
Kind: Poem Type: MP3 Time: 00:01:30 Size: 1.37 MB

Garden of love

a poem by Codey

  1. A meeting of minds, the melding of hearts,
  2. a blending of souls is how love starts.
  3. The loss of laughter, a lack of respect
  4. and a failure to make amends,
  5. leads to constant strife and broken hearts
  6. and is surely the way love ends.
  8. Alls right with your life and all seems to mesh
  9. when hearts are warm and love is fresh.
  10. But discord arises when hearts grow cold,
  11. then comes resentment, if you let love grow old.
  12. The garden of love must always be tended
  13. for love that is withered might never be mended.
  15. So, at the end of the day if you're on your own,
  16. remember love's fragile and cant stand alone.
  17. You can look for excuses or just blame fate,
  18. but the sad truth is
  19. real love cant grow
  20. in a heart that you've planted with hate.