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Get A Clue

a poem by Codey

audio Get A Clue | by Codey
| narrated by Blue / Ben W.
| Poem | MP3 | 00:04:23 | 6.03 MB

  1. When finished shopping and leaving the store,
  2. you saw the basket there by the door.
  3. you paused for a moment and silently read:
  4. 'food for the poor' is what the sign said.
  5. Being in a rush, tho you weren't going far,
  6. you walked on by and hurried to your car.
  7. Dinner was at five and not wanting to be late,
  8. you didn't have time to stop and donate.
  10. The kid next door was out in his yard
  11. wrestling with friends, no holds barred.
  12. Giving it his all in all that he did,
  13. happy and playful, a typical kid.
  15. You recieved a call from a leader of your church,
  16. some people had cancelled and left him in a lurch.
  17. Could you possibly come by to lend him a hand?
  18. You tried to explain, so he'd understand,
  19. prior commitments and things you'd long planned.
  20. At another time on another day,
  21. you're sure you'd be able to find a way.
  22. There's no chance tonight and for a good reason.
  23. It's Monday night and football season.
  25. The kid next door was taking out thier trash,
  26. battered and bruised from a bicycle crash.
  27. He wanted to talk tho stiff and sore,
  28. but you walked away before he could say more.
  30. A fellow worker has a child with cancer.
  31. She needed time off and awaited an answer.
  32. She was always on time and got her work done.
  33. Could you please give her time off to spend with her son?
  34. You supervisors discussed it over a leisurely lunch
  35. If you gave her time off, it would leave you in a crunch.
  36. You really couldn't spare this hard working clerk.
  37. Giving her the time off would cause you extra work..
  39. The kid next door has his arm in a sling,
  40. broken in a fall from his backyard swing.
  41. As he told you the story, he didn't look you in the eye.
  42. You didn't think he wanted you to see him cry.
  44. Your servor had crashed and you had to work late
  45. and the traffic was heavy on the interstate.
  46. An elderly couple was changing a tire,
  47. partially on the road, their predicament was dire.
  48. Stopping and helping would not take much time,
  49. but you were out of shape, no longer in your prime.
  50. While changing a tire wasn't such a great task,
  51. Risking your health would be to much to ask.
  53. The kid next door sits stareing at the ground
  54. and silently weeps, if no one's around.
  55. You wonder what it is that's making him sad?
  56. To make this boy cry, it must really be bad.
  58. The shouting was loud from the house next door.
  59. It was getting more frequent and harder to ignore.
  60. You awoke with a must have been dreaming.
  61. It couldn't have been a child you heard screaming.
  62. Closing the windows stiffled the noise of the fight,
  63. so you never heard the sirens or saw the flashing lights.
  64. And tho you couldn't sleep, try as hard as you may
  65. You never saw the ambulance take the kid next door away.
  67. The kid next door is dead at seven years of age,
  68. beaten to death in an uncontrolled rage.
  69. You feel so helpless and don't know what to do.
  70. If only you could have helped him.... if only you'd had a clue.