These poems are a little serious, but each is an expression of "me" at a particular point. They reflect varied times, places, circumstances, and people — and states ranging from depression to joy.

Each occupies its own niche in my life, but some of them express thoughts, opinions or feelings which are no longer relevant… except that they show me how I've changed.

Most of these poems were written around the time I'd spent nearly six months in hospital following a car accident. My leg was in traction, so I was confined to bed for most of that time, in a room on the fourth floor with five others.

My bed was by a window looking out over St Kilda Road, one of Melbourne's busiest boulevardes. I could watch the world go by, but not be a part of it. I saw an anti-Viet Nam War protest march go past. The West Gate Bridge (then under construction) collapsed while I was there, and one of the injured workers was put in my room.

I had a record player and records, a radio, daily papers, and plenty of visitors; yet the outside world may as well have been light years away. I was cooped up in my own little world — one from which I could not escape.

Michael is a typical teenager living in an Australian country town. He has a loving family and cool friends, and is doing well at school. Then he suffers a major trauma.

Black Dog is the story of one boy's journey inwards in the aftermath of this life-changing event.

Caution: PG

This story deals with recovery from abuse and depression. We choose to face these things together, instead of hiding or running or turning away.

Visit the glossary

Although Australian English is largely identical to British English, our language is rich with unique metaphors and idiomatic expressions...

So, I've prepared this glossary. As well as "Aussieisms" it includes other terms that might need explanation.